Student Programs

BEST Robotics

BEST Robotics is an annual middle-school and high-school competition that engages students in the study of engineering, science, and technology as they create remotely operated machines. Students build a robot from scratch and program the VEX ARM Cortex Microcontroller for the BEST Robotics mission. Applying Model-Based Design with MATLAB and Simulink lets your team efficiently design and build a functioning robot for the competition.

MathWorks presents the Simulink Design Award at the BEST Robotics Regional Championships to the teams that make the best use of MATLAB and Simulink to program their robots.

Complimentary Software

MathWorks provides complimentary software and self-paced online training for this competition. If your team is participating in this competition and needs software, or access to online training fill out the software request form.

Request software

MATLAB and Simulink

Robotics Arena

Learn how to use MATLAB and Simulink to design algorithms, create simulations, and speed up development for student competitions in robotics and unmanned systems.

Video Tutorials for Your Team

Interactive Online Tutorials

Learn by doing! Our two-hour online courses provide a hands-on learning environment where you will interact with a web-based version of MATLAB and receive instant and contextual feedback.

View all tutorials

Mobile Robotics Training Videos

Learn to design and test autonomous robot algorithms using MATLAB and Simulink with these free training materials.