DO Qualification Kit (for DO-178 and DO-254) - MATLAB

DO Qualification Kit (for DO-178 and DO-254)


DO Qualification Kit (for DO-178 and DO-254)

Qualify Simulink and Polyspace verification tools for DO-178, DO-278, and DO-254

Certify Avionic System Software with DO-178

Support your DO-178C certification processes with the kit’s workflow guidance and other materials. Use these resources to facilitate your use of Simulink and Polyspace software tools for supplements including DO-330, DO-331, and DO-333.

Certify Avionic System Hardware with DO-254

DO Qualification Kit provides workflow guidance and other materials to facilitate your use of Simulink verification tools in demonstrating DO-254 compliance.

Qualify Tools

Implement the tool qualification approach specified in DO-178C using kit-provided document templates, test cases, and test procedures for qualifying supported Simulink and Polyspace products.

“With Model-Based Design we had a successful first flight; there were no issues from a control or integration standpoint. Generating the control law code from our Simulink model with Embedded Coder eliminated the slowdowns caused by manual code generation and freed the team to work on meeting the broader program goals.”