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Run driving scenario and record actor states


rec = record(scenario) returns a recording, rec, of the states of actors in a driving scenario simulation, scenario. To record a scenario, you must define the trajectory of at least one actor.



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Create a driving scenario in which one car passes a stationary car on a two-lane road.

scenario = drivingScenario;
road(scenario,[0 0; 10 0; 53 -20],'lanes',lanespec(2));
stationaryCar = vehicle(scenario,'ClassID',1,'Position',[25 -5.5 0],'Yaw',-22);

passingCar = vehicle(scenario,'ClassID',1);
waypoints = [1 -1.5; 16.36 -2.5; 17.35 -2.765; ...
            23.83 -2.01; 24.9 -2.4; 50.5 -16.7];
speed = 15; % m/s

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 7 objects of type patch, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Record the driving scenario simulation.

rec = record(scenario);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 7 objects of type patch, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

Compare the recorded poses of the passing car at the start and end of the simulation.

ans = struct with fields:
            ActorID: 2
           Position: [1 -1.5000 0]
           Velocity: [14.9816 0.7423 0]
               Roll: 0
              Pitch: 0
                Yaw: 2.8367
    AngularVelocity: [0 0 1.2537e-05]

ans = struct with fields:
            ActorID: 2
           Position: [50.4717 -16.6823 0]
           Velocity: [12.7171 -7.9546 0]
               Roll: 0
              Pitch: 0
                Yaw: -32.0261
    AngularVelocity: [0 0 -0.0099]

Input Arguments

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Driving scenario, specified as a drivingScenario object.

Output Arguments

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Recording of actor states during simulation, returned as an M-by-1 vector of structures. M is the number of time steps in the simulation. Each structure corresponds to a simulation time step.

The rec structure has these fields:

SimulationTimeSimulation time at each time stepReal scalar
ActorPosesActor poses in scenario coordinatesN-by-1 vector of ActorPoses structures, where N is the number of actors, including vehicles.

Each ActorPoses structure has these fields.


Scenario-defined actor identifier, specified as a positive integer.

In R2024b:


Front-axle position of the vehicle, specified as a three-element row vector in the form [x y z]. Units are in meters.


If the driving scenario does not contain a front-axle trajectory for at least one vehicle, then the ActorPoses structure does not contain this field.


Position of actor, specified as a real-valued vector of the form [x y z]. Units are in meters.


Velocity (v) of actor in the x- y-, and z-directions, specified as a real-valued vector of the form [vx vy vz]. Units are in meters per second.


Roll angle of actor, specified as a real-valued scalar. Units are in degrees.


Pitch angle of actor, specified as a real-valued scalar. Units are in degrees.


Yaw angle of actor, specified as a real-valued scalar. Units are in degrees.


Angular velocity (ω) of actor in the x-, y-, and z-directions, specified as a real-valued vector of the form [ωx ωy ωz]. Units are in degrees per second.

For full definitions of these structure fields, see the actor and vehicle functions.

Data Types: struct

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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