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Knowledge means knowing where it is written... Interested in: - Optimization - Mathematical Modelling - Improvement of my programming skills


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optimization with two-part value range
You could try to define 2 variables x1 and x2 as the solution. x1 is an integer that assumes either 0 or 1 and x2 corresponds to...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Genetic Algorithm 'bitstring' not accepting constrains
Considering this hint in the documentation, you should use the integer condition for the corresponding variables and set the lim...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0


How to choose between different licenses in MATLAB Online?
Im taking part in some online courses using Matlab. For this courses there is a license for Matlab online to work through the co...

meer dan een jaar ago | 2 answers | 1



Bar plot for two matrices together Every column stands for a...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

How to plot an oscillator?
You can plot it 2 ways - i dont know what is "correct" for your case... For me both are correct - depending on what you want to ...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

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How can I solve in the error?
%clear all, clc; % clear all memory and variables x = linspace(-1,1); % create linear spacing in x-direction y = linspace(...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

calculate and fill an area between a line and a curve
A similar discussion here: <

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

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Can someone help me with the representation of the signals?
|*plot*| can not show one single point. Use at least 2 points for w to get a plot - or use |*scatter*|. w=0:10:500; To ...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

Function definitions are not permitted in this context.

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

Receiving two outputs in function
To get multiple outputs from a function, you have to call it with multiple output arguments: [MY_nodeCrd,MY_edgeList]=ReadInput...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

why do I receive syms requires Symbolic math tool box
"why do I receive syms requires Symbolic math tool box?" - Simple: Because syms is part of the symbolic toolbox. If your license...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

| accepted

Answer double pendulum question usinf Rung-Kutta
Have a read here: <>

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

| accepted

equation for projectile motion
This might be helpful: <

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

curve fitting using min-max optimization
You might want to start reading and trying here: <>

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

I got the problem with polyshape, please help me
You have to take both points into account to find a closed region: xcut1 = fzero(@(x)sqrt(x).*(12-x)./2 - 2+x, 0.5); xcut2 = f...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

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Solve non-linear systems of equations to create matrix of coeffients and solve variable
If i assume, that you have a linear system, because i think, that x1...x4 does not mean x^1...x^4 then you are nearly there: sy...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

Find light grey circle in greyscale image
Maybe this is an approach: img = imread('BinarizedImage_NewImage.JPG'); img2 = img; img2(img2<240) = 0; imshowpair(img,img2,...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

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Solving cubic equation with imaginary numbers
s1 = 133.9457 + 253.416i; s2 = 133.9457 - 253.416i; s3 = 1339.457; syms s x_exactly = solve(0.00017493*(s-s1)*(s-s2)*(s-s3...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

| accepted

combing rows into one row
I assume you want to have all values in a row vector: YouWant = reshape(MeanTemp(2:end,2:end),1,[]);

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

How can I mark a region in matlab ?
x1 = 0:0.001:1; y1 = x1.^2; y2 = 1 - x1; xcut = fzero(@(x)x.^2 - 1+x, 0.5); x = [x1(x1<=xcut), x1(end)]; y = [x1(x1<=xcut)....

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Change plot scale y axis
u21=[224 224 224 223 218 218 217]; beta1=[0 0.19 0.26 0.38 0.76 0.83 0.9]; plot(beta1,u21,'-*'); xlabel('beta') ylabel('U[V]...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

Taking derivative and putting it equal to 0 to find theta.
syms s h S(x) fun = S(x) == (6*s*h) - ((3*s*s*cot(x))/2) + ((3*s*s*sqrt(3)*csc(x))/2) sdot = diff(fun,x) == 0

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

How to get the R2 value of fit?
ft = fittype('b*x^2+c*x+a'); load enso [curve, gof]=fit(month,pressure,ft,'StartPoint',[1,3,5])

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

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why is my code not working?
v=[2;0;1;9;0;1;3;0;1]; m=max(v); n=mean(v); f=@(x) m-(1/2).*x; % Vectorized g=@(x) 2.*x.^2-n; % Vectorized figure ezpl...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

how to merge two figures
Have a look at: yyaxis

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

Finding out the minimum value position of a matrix
a=[1 2 3 4 5 10;2 3 5 6 1 12;2 6 4 5 7 16;10 2 1 4 5 20;2 3 1 4 9 12] % Here for the example row = 5, col = 1...3 ii = 5; % wa...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0

Automatically fit a circle on an arc in image and to plot the circle in the image.
This example from the documentation appears to be suitable for your case.

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0

MaxFunctionEvaluations not working in optimset() for fsolve()
See the documentation:

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1

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Generation of a pair of random numbers satisfying a constraint
N = 10; r = sort(rand(N,2),2)

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0

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Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
clc; clear all; close all; %% Parametri %% Inercija; {kg.m2} Juc = 2.6e-2; Jlc = 1e-3; %% Kruto...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0

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