Yusuf Suer Erdem
Sakarya University
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Student of MEng (Electronics Engineering)
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Eroding and dilating an image
you could try these codes that I found: % Dilating and eroding an image % Original image im = imread('circbw.tif');...
ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0
I really need a matlab code for detecting the P,Q,R,S,T points on a ecg waveform.
I found this code line, maybe it is helpful for you. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/66098-ecg-p-qrs-t-wa...
ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0
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Why do I recieve error when doing sinc function
Hi, try it this way. That is the way how it should be done. But I could not get the exact waveform. Maybe others could help. ...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
How to find the index of the minimum value in a matrix.
Hi, did you try it with this way. It gives the index which has the smallest number. a=[8 2 5 1;2 -2 4 0;9 5 4 8]; [r,c]=fin...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1
plotting Y data on scatter plot
Before 'text()' command add 'format long' command. it should be hepful.
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Is it possible to communicate with multiple serial ports using MATLAB?
Most probably you can, here below there is an example that i did before. It is just about your codes, you need to choose serial ...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Plotting a graph with dots instead a line
x = 1:10; y = rand(1,10); subplot(3,1,1) plot(x, y, '-ok') title('Circles and Lines') subplot(3,1,2) plot(x, y, 'ok', 'Mar...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
how to convert a cell array to a string array
S = {'Hello',' ','world',' ','i',' ','am',' ','here'} ss = [S{:}]
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1
how can i change the dimension of the matrix?
Try these codes below but note that x1 matrix is created randomly, you need to adapt it according to your own matrix. Good luc...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Ellipse around Circle problem
That is the required code below. The red one with the dashed line is the circle and the other ones are the ellipses around it. Y...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
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I am beginner in matlab ,could any one know how to use matlab in control system in this case?
Watch matlab simulink control system tutorials from the link below. Also on matlab file exchange there are multiple similar exam...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
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Three-Phase Rectifier computing matlab code
I do not know about the code but you could find many examples on FileExchange Matlab about 3 phase rectifiers on Simulink like t...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
how can i put NaN
Try these codes below which I did for you, I hope could have given you an idea about it. Good luck! A = randi([1 100],3,30019...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1
Is it possible to make pdf plot from matrix with mean value?
Let's see. I used these codes below and it did not give me error. But the 'P' matrix ' s values are pretty small. So I can not s...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Non-typical system of nonlinear equations
Try these codes below please; syms x y z eq1=x.*y-z.^2-1 == 0; eq2=x.*y.*z+y.^2-x.^2-2 == 0; eq3=exp(x)+z-exp(y)-3 == 0; ...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1
Finding the coordinates of nodes in a plot
Try these codes below please; x = linspace(0,2,20)'; y = sin(x); h=plot(x,y) a=get(h,'XData'); b=get(h,'YDat...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
How to do column or row swapping or interchange in a matrix?
Try these codes below please; A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] v = A(:, 2); A(:, 2) = A(:, 5); A(:,...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Is it possible to make pdf plot from matrix with mean value?
Try these codes below please; clc; clear; close all; Data=rand(32,247); data_mean=mean(Data,2); plot(data_mean...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1
How can I save my k-means clustering model?
try to save in '.mat' format. e.g. myMatrix = rand( 100, 100 ); filename = 'C:\Stuff\Somefile.mat'; save( filename, 'myM...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
ask for an illustration of Wavelet Scattering algorithm
I found this link below. Try maybe it is helpful for you; https://www.di.ens.fr/data/software/scatnet/quickstart-image/
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Write a MATLAB code to Find the maxima and minima of two variable function f(x,y)=x^4+y^4-4xy+1
Hi Akinchay, try these codes below please; clc; clear; close all; xMin = -2; xMax = 2; yMin = -2; yMax = 2; numPoin...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1
how do I make this image whietish?
I found this below. Check if it works for you. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/347448-how-to-increase-the-brigh...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
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How can I convert x-axis (cycle or day) to x-axis (frequency) ?
Firstly make x axis represents the time (t). Later divide "(t)" with 1 becase "f=1/(t)". And plot it "plot(f,x)".
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
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How can I plot SDPVAR variables in a graph
I found this one below, maybe it is useful for you; https://groups.google.com/g/yalmip/c/PXQpXEjhqcA
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Index in position 2 exceed array bound (must not exceed 1)?
your 'yob' matrix has a single column but you are asking for its second column. that is why it is happening. recover it please.
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
How to import dates from excel files
Could you try like below? filename = 'Bitcoin_Data_Lab_9.xlsx'; A = readcell(filename); T = readtable(A)
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
how do I find the smallest object in a binary coins image ?
check imfindcircles command. there are multiple similar examples on matlab help center. try to adapt yours to them.
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Creating a loop and loop variable
for a=0:a+0.01:pi/2 disp(a) end
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 2
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I don't know the name of this toolbox
Hi there, I depicted on the picture. Good luck.
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0