Read specific column in .txt file
Hi Amir, try these codes below but make sure you put the 'sample.txt' file that I attached into the same directory. Good luck. ...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

how to extract diagnol value from the imagesc figure

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

I want to convert the cell array to struct but I dont know how to use the cell2struc command. I am new, please help me
Hi Manh, try these codes below. After running the code open s matrix there and this will be your structure. To use cell2struct c...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

| accepted

Generating random numbers with a different probabilities
Hi there. These codes below are completely original and made by me for you. Each time you need to enter a probability value to t...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

Matlab removes excel formulas when writing(saving) files?
Could you try to implement this code below to your system? [numbers, strings, raw] = xlsread('*.xlsx');

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

How to plot transfer functions?
Try these codes below please; clc; clear; close all; numerator = 1; denominator = [1,1,3,1]; sys = tf(numerator,denomina...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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Index exceeds the number of array elements
Hi could you try these codes? close all; clear; clc; format long g; format compact; im1 = imread('a.jpg'); %wczytanie ob...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

Code output in other codes
Hi Armin, check the codes below please; clc; clear; close all; x1 = randi([1, 25], [20,20]) y1 = randi([1, 25], [20,20]) ...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

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what's wrong in my code?
Hi Alesna, could you try my codes below? Good luck. clc; clear; close all; syms y(t) k t Dy=diff(y); k=sqrt(2); ode=dif...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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How to add multiple scales on second y axis?
Hi Yasser, could you try these codes below? Good luck. clc; clear; close all; x1 = 0:0.1:40; y1 = 4.*cos(x1)./(x1+2); x2...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

Write these codes into your script and you will see and also search for transpose operation. Good luck. clc; clear; close all...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

What is this code is trying to do
rot=[2,4,7,3,1,5,6,8]; disp(rot); %%% Display rot matrix for i=1:8 %%% this loop wil...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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Can u please help me here, how to draw this type type of graph
Hi Parveiz, try these codes below please, good luck. clc; clear; close all; [X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2); V = X.*exp(-X.^2...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

3D x,y,z surface plot
Hi Muhammad, try these codes below please. Good luck. X=[1.000, 1.250, 1.500, 1.250, 1.500, 1.750]'; Y=[1.000, 1.000, 1.000,...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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How to change x-axis in kruskalwallis auto-generated boxplots?
Hi BN, try these codes below please. Good luck. clear; clc; A = rand(1000,1); B = ...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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How to fix this error if my image is not two dimensional?
Hello, I used these codes below and it worked for me. Could you try it too? I only used .tif format image instead of .jpg image....

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

Continue in For loop
Hi Mert. Could you try like below. I just changed "for i=1:2:A(1,end)" into "for i=1:length(A)". A=[1 0 1 0 0 0 1]; for i=1:...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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how to write \tilde{R_1} in matlab legend, I tried with this not working
I tried this code below and it was working. Could you compare with your own code? clc; clear; close all; text(0.5, 0.5, '$...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

How to improve the result of the performance of the gabor filter
Example below is a gabor filter example. When you change the wavelength and the orientation. You ll get images with different qu...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

How we can maximize PSNR between RGB image and binary(0,1) image?
I was not able to implement your codes into that probably psnr funtion only allows limited data types.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

euler's method
There are multiple solutions over internet but i was not able to implement your specific problem.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

euler's method
Let s assume that is your problem below; y''(x)+(1/10)*y''(x)+sin(y)=0 These codes below will solve your problem; syms ...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

Looking for a simulink cogeneration (combine Heating and power) model.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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Need help with my code I have I don't know how to label the columns on it and change "table" to another function like disp(), display(), and fprintf() instead.
C=-50:10:150; F=(C*(9/5))+32; fprintf('HW #6 - Evan Melanson \n\n'); fprintf('Problem 1 \n\n'); oC=C'; oF=F'; fprintf('d...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

What's wrong in the code? I cant generate the same graph as the question required.
x = linspace(-5,5); k = sin(x.^2); l= exp(cos(x)); y = k.*l; plot(x,y) USE THIS WAY, IT HELPS. I THINK YOU WERE J...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

How to generate 3 plot? It only appear 1 plot from the coding.
x = linspace(0,10,50); y1 = sin(x); plot(x,y1) title('Combine Plots') hold on y2 = sin(x/2); plot(x,y2) y3 = 2*sin(...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

How we can maximize PSNR between RGB image and binary(0,1) image?
Converting segmented RGB images into GRAYSCALE form is really good idea to process them.

bijna 3 jaar ago | 1

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Identify between different Images using Segmentation, Texture analysis and other basic methods
It is a good idea to classify the images by using SVM. Later by using predict command, we could guess which image is it. Good lu...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

error in Shearlet Transform Matlab
load mask [numRows,numCols] = size(circleGS); sls = shearletSystem('ImageSize',[numRows numCols],'FilterBoundary','truncated')...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

Plotting a matrix of line plots
x1 = rand; y1 = rand; x2 = rand; y2 = rand; x3 = rand; y3 = rand; [X,Y] = meshgrid([x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3]); plot(X,Y) Add ...

bijna 3 jaar ago | 0

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