How to import dates from excel files
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Upon running the following code:
filename = 'Bitcoin_Data_Lab_9.xlsx';
A = xlsread(filename);
T = readtable(filename)
The outputs are similar to the spreashseet but not identical. A has completely deleted the dates column and only shows the numerical ones, while T has every column but every date which was in the dates column is now NaN (my dates are formatted as (mm/dd/yyyy). How can I make it so that the dates are displayed (preferably with xlsread but either function is acceptable).
For reference, the excel file is attached above.
Mitchell Thurston
on 8 Dec 2021
my guess is you're going to want to interpret the dates column as a string. going off of this, it would be something like
opts = detectImportOptions(filename);
opts = setvartype(opts, 'Dates','string');
T = readtable(filename, opts)
Answers (1)
Yusuf Suer Erdem
on 8 Dec 2021
Could you try like below?
filename = 'Bitcoin_Data_Lab_9.xlsx';
A = readcell(filename);
T = readtable(A)
See Also
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