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plotting Y data on scatter plot

3 views (last 30 days)
I am using the following command in scatter plot
uisng the following code
for i = 1:6
I am getting the values in E3 format ...I want only like 2500 instead of 2.5E3 easy to interpet any inputs will be highly helpful .Thank you in advance . I have used format shortG but it change for number not the plots

Accepted Answer

Simon Chan
Simon Chan on 18 Jan 2022
Another option as follows:
for i = 1:6

More Answers (1)

Yusuf Suer Erdem
Yusuf Suer Erdem on 18 Jan 2022
Before 'text()' command add 'format long' command. it should be hepful.
  1 Comment
Prasad Joshi
Prasad Joshi on 18 Jan 2022
No Yusuf same it's showing.... Thank you by the way

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