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Given the spectrum of a signal x(t) , What is the minimum sample rate that would allow for x[n] to be recoverable?
Hi Zhen, Your question isn't really about Matlab. You might get more traction on a signal processing forum, like dsp.stackexcha...

4 dagen ago | 0

Explore DFT Resolution, need help with answer interpretation
Hi Zhen, The first code gives the expected result, you just need to zoom in to see it. If we look at how freq_axis is defined,...

6 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

Explore DFT frequency accuracy, got stuck
Hi Zhen, Consider the following, which is one case from the overall analysis. %Part 1 % MATLAB code to analyze the frequency ...

6 dagen ago | 0

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How do I name a variable in Simulink so that I can later use it to compute a value, such as sin(psi) or cos(phi) or tan(theta).
Hi DJ, I did not open your model so I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do. Having said that, Simulink doesn't really c...

6 dagen ago | 0

Why is my hamming window and rectangular window values the same for sigma_omega when I make L = 21?
Another approach is to integrate the DTFT directly. The DTFT can be evaluted with freqz % Set window length L = 21 L = 21; % ...

7 dagen ago | 0

generating periodic trapezoidal waves with ramps
Approach using pulstran trap = @(t) interp1([0 1 2 3 4 5],[0 0 1 1 0 0],t,[],0); t = 0:.01:25; d = 0:5:25; plot(t,pulstran(t...

7 dagen ago | 0

Can I save the outputs of completed sims when running parsim instead of saving them all at the end?
Hi Kadhir, Based on the description in the question, I'm not quite sure what's happening. How exactly are you monitoring the me...

10 dagen ago | 0

Plot Fourier Transform (FFT) Interpolation Model into future
I've only very briefly skimmed this code and the other thread. My guess is that you're seeing the effect of zero-padding the FFT...

11 dagen ago | 0

Adding plots to an existing root locus plot
Maybe sgrid is what you're looking for.

12 dagen ago | 0

Calculation not having the desired array size
Was % xn(1:3,:) = qF(:,:,i) .* Acc(i,:)' - g; should be xn(1:3,:) = (qF(:,:,i) * Acc(i,:).' - g.').';

13 dagen ago | 0

| accepted

How to properly make a circular histogram?
Hi Neuroesc, "However, the resulting histogram is not really ideal - the bins are not homogeneous because they get larger as th...

13 dagen ago | 1

Trying to use for loop to create an array of bandpass filters, but gets error "conversion to double from dfilt.df2sos is not possible"
Hi Hanlin Wang, fs = 48000; % sample frequency wss1 = [5680 2840 1420 710 355 177 88 44]*2*pi/fs; wss2 = [11360 5680 2840 142...

15 dagen ago | 0

Compare char data in a cell {'x'} to a character 'x'
Create the sample .txt file filetext = ["HEADER that is ignored";"R 0 5";"L 5 0"]; writelines(filetext,"test.txt"); type test...

16 dagen ago | 0


Why Doesn't "clear all" Clear the Assumptions from the Symbolic Engine?
According to the doc page assumptions To clear all objects in the MATLAB workspace and close the Symbolic Math Toolbox™ engine ...

20 dagen ago | 0 answers | 0



Finding Z-Transform of a piecewise function.
Based on the context of the question, it is quite likely that the problem is to solve for the bilateral z-transform of f(n). Ho...

22 dagen ago | 0

Generate random integers that sums to a specific number within a specific range
How about a simple loop that finds all combinations of the random variables that satisfy the constraint and then sample from tha...

23 dagen ago | 0


What is the Interpretation of the p-Value from runstest() ?
For the function runstest the null hypothesis is "that the values in the data vector x come in random order." Running 100 run t...

24 dagen ago | 1 answer | 0



What units does Matlab's function angvel produce?
angvel is fundamentally flawed. Here's the example (truncated) from the doc eulerAngles = [(0:10:40).',zeros(numel(0:10:40),2)...

24 dagen ago | 1

I am trying to implement a state space solution in Simulink with 1 variable m in matrix C, but the runtime error says Variable ‘m’ does not exist.
The Goto block is used for signal flow, not assignment to a variable. The Constant1 and Goto blocks can be deleted. The easiest...

28 dagen ago | 0

vpasolve giving incorrect answers for a system of trigonometric equations. How do I set bounds to the solution?
Hi Nat, I didn't try to analyze the equations to be solved, but they appear to be very sensitive to the actual values of Sa1, S...

28 dagen ago | 0

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Should table Indexing be Faster?
Example code. t = combinations(0:10,0:10,0:10,0:10); tic for ii = 1:10 for jj = 1:height(t) u = t{jj,:}; ...

28 dagen ago | 1 answer | 3



Increase temporal granularity in simulink
Do you just want to set the maximum step size for the solver?

29 dagen ago | 0

| accepted


Can a system() Command be used Inside a Function Called from Inside a parfor Loop?
Is the following code allowed: result = zeros(100,1); parfor ii = 1:100 % do something result(ii) = myfun(resul...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1 answer | 0



Simulink model parameter update and observations at discrete times
I think you can do exactly what you want using the new (since 2024a) simulation object.

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Simulink Variable Time Logging
One approach ... Put a To Workspace block with inherited sample time inside a Triggered Subsystem. Send the data to be logged ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

What is the reference level used in spectrogram power computation?
Hi Ethan, In signal processing the concepts of power and energy are similar to, but not exactly the same, as the what those ter...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

How to label a signal using a sub-system mask parameter in Simulink?
Hi Kevin, I was able to change a signal name in the masked subsystem using code in the mask initialization code. In my simple e...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Spectrogram output versus figure
Hi DLR, Stepping through spectrogram shows that, when output argruments aren't specified, the PSD data that's plotted is offset...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0


How Does SeriesIndex Work with LineStyleOrder?
My interpretation of SeriesIndex is that it controls the color and style of a line based on the ColorOrder and the LineStyleOrde...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1 answer | 1



Solve more complex problems in matlab
Modifying the approach from the question, using solve seems to work fine. syms x m real eq = (m-2)*x^2-3*m*x+(m+2) == 0; eq_r...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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