

Last seen: Today Active since 2017

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Algorithm Engineer- I received my B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Yangtze University, China in 2013, and M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Guangxi University of Science and Technology, China in 2016. After graduation, I have been working in Shenzhen, a city in the south of China. I mainly engaged in working with algorithm development,and my main interests are image processing algorithms,computer vision,machine learning,automated driving simulation,3D vision algorithms,deep learning,C/C++ code generation,graph theory,360-degree panorama,human activity recognition,scientific graphics/computing, etc. Additionally,I usually use some git,cmake,docker,linux(ubuntu),shell,RoadRunner and Matlab/Simulink, Python, C/C++ language tools. Note:15+ years of continuous experience using MATLAB.

Programming Languages:
Python, C++, C, MATLAB
Spoken Languages:


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Creation of Imu geometric model in Matlab In order to generate Synthetic data(Accelerometer and Gyroscope) 6DOF
@Revanth Kumar Adireddy Hi, I have given here the synthetic simulation data generated by imuSensor and then recovered the attitu...

2 dagen ago | 0


R2024b cannot reproduce documented example result
When I am ready to use imufilter, "Tune imufilter to Optimize Orientation Estimate",the current latest version R2024b cannot rep...

5 dagen ago | 1 answer | 0



有可能是MATLAB 的串口数据接收处理速度不够快,导致数据丢失,特别是在 MATLAB 的串口读取性能与 STM32 数据发送速率的匹配上,不妨尝试下面的代码: function readSensorData(app, src, ~) % 尽...

12 dagen ago | 0


Why can't I publish in FileExchange?
When I link with the github public repository and prepare to publish, I get a publish error and the status bar keeps showing thi...

12 dagen ago | 0 answers | 0



Changes in camera viewpoint parameters cannot be constrained within the axial coordinate area?
After careful investigation and thought, axes itself is camera controlled, and the default parent object is figure, if you want ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

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Changes in camera viewpoint parameters cannot be constrained within the axial coordinate area?
For example, I want to display my drawing in the lower left part of the axis area of the figure window, defining position=[0,0,0...

ongeveer een maand ago | 1 answer | 0



How do you remove the grid layout in App Designer?
Starting in R2022a, you can remove a grid layout manager from your app and convert the components in the grid to use pixel-base...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Remove or Undo GridLayout with App Designer.
Starting in R2022a, you can remove a grid layout manager from your app and convert the components in the grid to use pixel-base...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0


(Document redirection) Online documents do not remind you to select your geographic destination every time you reopen them
As far as I know, starting from MATLAB R2024b, the documentation is defaulted to be accessed online. However, the problem is tha...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0 answers | 0




(Enhancement Request)"vision.VideoPlayer/VideoViewer" should be presented as a more modern player
In the past two years, MATHWORKS has updated the image viewer and audio viewer, giving them a more modern interface with feature...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0 answers | 0




(Enhancement Requirement)matlab mobile should stays automatically networked after logging in to the account
MathWorks Products: MATLAB Mobile 概述 - MATLAB & Simulink ( Specifically: MATLAB Support Package for Android Sens...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0 answers | 0



Can we impose geometry constraints on fisheye lens calibration and rectification?
Last year I temporarily did not find the use of deep learning to correct an irregularly distorted image, but used a custom set o...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

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license function can't list Computer Vision Toolbox™?
When I use license function to check if there is already a Computer Vision Toolbox™ in the MATLAB environment, I don't know how ...

3 maanden ago | 1 answer | 0



How to read a raw image URL directly from a GitHub public repository via the imread function?
Incorrect use of html-wrapped address. I use raw data to read now, the correct URL address to read is as follows: imgPath = "h...

3 maanden ago | 0

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How to read a raw image URL directly from a GitHub public repository via the imread function?
As far as I know, imread built-in function supports to read the image address file of a URL directly, but for a certain URL imag...

3 maanden ago | 1 answer | 0




(bug)MATLAB Support Package for Apple iOS Sensors could't work?
When I install "MATLAB Support Package for Apple iOS Sensors" successfully,then input in command line: m = mobiledev Failure t...

3 maanden ago | 0 answers | 0



Plotting Timetable in Matlab
Hi, @Anders Vigen Here I give a Example: tt = datetime+years(1:10); % 比如从现在时间开始,连续十年时间点 y = rand(10,1); TT = timetable(tt',y...

3 maanden ago | 0

How do I generate a Hammer projection from my PNG image file using Mapping Toolbox 2.6 (R2007b)?
latlim = [-90 90]; lonlim = [-180 180]; rasterSize = [180 360]; R = georefcells(latlim,lonlim,rasterSize,'ColumnsStartFrom','...

4 maanden ago | 0

How to use phase difference information to extract effective components of signal?
Hi,@大路 郑 Yes, you can separate the signal components from the noise using the fact that the signal components in the two lines ...

5 maanden ago | 0

Solve long matrices equation
From your screenshot formulas, you should first prioritize the formulas Manipulation and Simplification, and then try to solve t...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to apply individual color to each bar on a bar chart plot
Example: %To call the fuction we have the following codenin a separate file % Metric values for the main model Cleveland_ac...

5 maanden ago | 1

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Getting some unknown characters like blank squares in my MATLAB files .
Hi,@Saaketh Ramachandra Puligadda Save the file that was displayed correctly in R2022b as a new file, note that the type is "ut...

6 maanden ago | 0

Column to matix In matlab
Example: data = 1:500; matrix = reshape(data,50,10)'; get the size of matrix size(matrix) preview matrix head(matrix) ---...

6 maanden ago | 0

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make function without input.
Hi,@진회 In fact, you don't need to do 2-statge passing in and out of multiple variables for your model output in simulink, you c...

6 maanden ago | 0

Fit gaussian to X-Y data (one X column, multiple Y column), for each Y column from an excel file.
HI,@Titli You can export a function in the cftool APP to facilitate subsequent simultaneous manipulation of multiple variables....

6 maanden ago | 1

How do I fix this error?
You should make sure that the array dimensions in the arithmetic are consistent, for example I changed your psdtot variable to a...

6 maanden ago | 0

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in 2024a version of MATLAB, I can't see my training and validation accuracy in training plot progress.
Hi,@ZEBA As far as I can guess you should be using trainnet to train the network, which is indeed slightly different from the p...

6 maanden ago | 0

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MATLAB 2024a official support package can't install, online documentation not working?
After contacting mathworks technical support, I have tried the following steps: Click on the following link to download the bo...

7 maanden ago | 0

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MATLAB 2024a official support package can't install, online documentation not working?
I am current using the windows desktop version of matlab R2024a and am experiencing the following problems: 1. can't log in to ...

7 maanden ago | 2 answers | 0



how to find max and min values in range for ecg
You can perhaps use wavelet analysis for the detection of local extrema in ECG signals. You can refer to the following example. ...

7 maanden ago | 0

| accepted

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