
Pat Canny

Last seen: 4 dagen ago Active since 2018

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Inquiry about using the source of the sltest.harness.create function depending on the MATLAB version
Hi @WJKIM, Apologies for the confusion. The Signal Builder was deprecated as a harness source (for new harnesses) in R2022b. ...

12 dagen ago | 2

Open Embedded Objects in Requirements Editor
To import images associated with requirements, please export the requirements as a .reqifz file Here is some reference materi...

12 dagen ago | 1

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Requirements Manager: How to extract information from the Custom Attribute Registry inside the Requirement Set class
You can get an array of CustomAttributeNames as a property of a Requirement Set, then use inspectAttribute to query the Informat...

5 maanden ago | 0

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How do I prioritize Model Advisor check failures?
One approach is to use the “Model Advisor Configuration Editor”:

5 maanden ago | 0

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How do I prioritize Model Advisor check failures?
I want to resolve some Model Advisor checks first if they were to fail. How would I do that?

5 maanden ago | 1 answer | 0



Error when opening a test report related to stateflow
I recommend contacting MathWorks Technical Support. This question requires more information.

6 maanden ago | 0

Unsupported data conversion when importing Excel file into Signal Editor
I recommend contacting MathWorks Technical Support. This question requires more information.

6 maanden ago | 0

How do I change the Font of a Test Assessment block?
Hi @Dana Schwanke, I followed up with the Simulink Test team on your question. Unfortunately, as you assumed, this is not pos...

8 maanden ago | 0

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Using internal signals for model verification
We added Observer Reference support for Simulink Design Verifier in R2021a:

8 maanden ago | 0

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How do I import requirements from Jama into Requirements Toolbox?
You can import ReqIF formatted requirements, which you export from Jama, in two ways: First, you can use the Import workflow ...

8 maanden ago | 1

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How do I import requirements from Jama into Requirements Toolbox?
I have a set of requirements in Jama. How do I import them into MATLAB?

8 maanden ago | 1 answer | 0



Tools for generating simulink model documentation and diagrams
Hi @MP, For items 1 and 2, you may want to look into the System Design Description report. For item 4, there are Sequence Di...

9 maanden ago | 1

Encountering an error during Fault Injection
Hi @RAGHUVEER RAJESH, I am not sure if you are the same user who asked this on Reddit recently (though that is my assumption)...

10 maanden ago | 1

Coverage in Rapid Acceleration mode
Hi @Suleyman, Unfortunately, Simulink Coverage does not currently support coverage collection using Accelerator or Rapid Acce...

meer dan een jaar ago | 0

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Formal Functional Equivalence
This project provides a set of utilities for performing "formal functional equivalence," which is a static analysis-based techni...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1 download |


How can I generate test coverage report of a simulink model using Matlab code
Hi @Mohamed, You can use the cvhtml function to generate a report. Here is a simple example from the documentation: modelNa...

meer dan een jaar ago | 1

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How do I edit sldv_covoutput folder path?
Hi @Junhyung, You can define the full path of the Output folder in the text field itself - it will otherwise assume the root ...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

How I would determine if a string contains multiple substrings?
Here is one way to do this using arrayfun: myString = "This has some words in it."; subStrings = ["This","some"]; hasAllSub...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

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How I would determine if a string contains multiple substrings?
I'd like to know if a string has multiple substrings (e.g, words) in it. For example: myString = "This has some words in it...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 4 answers | 0




Requirements-Based Testing Workflow Example
This example workflow shows you how to get started with systematic, requirements-based testing using Simulink.

bijna 2 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


merging testcases generated from simulink design verifier
Hi @Junhyung, I recommend trying the 'LongTestCases' Test Suite Optimization option, like so: opts = sldvoptions; opts.Auto...

bijna 2 jaar ago | 0

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Simulink Design verifier does not terminate.
Hi @Mirhad, My first suggestion is to consult this item in our documentation: Prove Properties in Large Models. It looks l...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

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Requirements and Advanced Model Checks Getting Started
This example shows how to get started with MathWorks' Model Verification & Validation tools

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 2 downloads |


How do I convert a set of Microsoft Word Documents into a single PDF?
One way to do to this is to leverage the docview function from MATLAB Report Generator and the mergePDFs function created by Ben...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

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How do I convert a set of Microsoft Word Documents into a single PDF?
I have a set of Microsoft Word documents which I need to combine into a single PDF. How would I accomplish this in MATLAB?

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



Open coverage results explorer programmatically
Hi @Shijil, There is an undocumented means of using the cvresults function. You can pass the 'explore' option to the function...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

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Check if Coverage is ON/OFF
Hi @Shijil, You can use the get_param function to query the value of the 'CovEnable' parameter. This is a character array tha...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

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MATLAB 2022a, Automatic model Coverage with model coloring and cumulative report generation is not happening.
Hi @Shijil, Those parameters in the coverage settings UI were deprecated some time ago to bring Simulink Coverage simulation ...

ongeveer 2 jaar ago | 0

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Please I want help. This code is working and there is no error, and suddenly when the program is running, this message appears
I recommend contacting MathWorks Technical Support. This question requires more information.

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0

How to use Test Sequence as a function call for a test harness
Hi @ambre allard, My colleague @Rong Mi has a great suggestion: Similar as Chart, Test Sequence also supports “send” to sc...

meer dan 2 jaar ago | 1

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