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Polygon in planar coordinates

Since R2021b


A mappolyshape object represents a polygon or multipolygon in planar coordinates. A polygon is a region bounded by a closed curve and can include interior holes. A multipolygon is an individual polygon shape that includes multiple nonintersecting regions.

Polygons and multipolygons are useful for defining areas of interest (AOIs). For more information about AOIs, see Define Areas of Interest.

To represent a polygon or multipolygon in geographic coordinates, use a geopolyshape object instead.


To create mappolyshape objects, either:

  • Import polygon data in planar coordinates as a geospatial table using the readgeotable function, and then query the Shape variable of the table.

  • Create a rectangular AOI by using the aoiquad function.

  • Create an AOI of circles by using the aoicircle function.

  • Use the mappolyshape function (described here).


shape = mappolyshape(x,y) creates a mappolyshape object or array of mappolyshape objects with vertices at the specified x- and y-coordinates. The sizes of x, y, and the mappolyshape object array shape match.

The mappolyshape function assumes that x and y define polygons with valid topology. A polygon has valid topology when:

  • Region interiors are to the right as you trace boundaries from vertex to vertex.

  • The boundaries have no self-intersections.

In general, the outer boundaries of polygons with valid topology have vertices in clockwise order and the interior holes have vertices in counterclockwise order.


Input Arguments

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x-coordinates, specified as a numeric vector or a cell array of numeric vectors.

  • Create a polygon by specifying a vector, such as [-113 -49 -100 -113].

  • Create a polygon with holes or a multipolygon by specifying a vector and including breaks between the hole and region boundaries as NaN values, such as [69 90 105 79 69 NaN 6 52 43 14 6 NaN 18 32 22 18].

  • Create an array of polygons and multipolygons by specifying a cell array of vectors, such as {[69 90 105 79 69],[6 52 43 14 6 NaN 18 32 22 18]}.

The NaN values in x must correspond to the NaN values in y.

The size of x must match the size of y. For cell arrays, the size of the vector in each cell of x must match the size of the vector in the corresponding cell of y.

Data Types: double | cell

y-coordinates, specified as a numeric vector or a cell array of numeric vectors.

  • Create a polygon by specifying a vector, such as [39 45 19 39].

  • Create a polygon with holes or a multipolygon by specifying a vector and including breaks between the hole and region boundaries as NaN values, such as [37 46 31 20 37 NaN 45 49 35 32 45 NaN 35 40 42 35].

  • Create an array of polygons and multipolygons by specifying a cell array of vectors, such as {[37 46 31 20 37],[45 49 35 32 45 NaN 35 40 42 35]}.

The NaN values in x must correspond to the NaN values in y.

The size of x must match the size of y. For cell arrays, the size of the vector in each cell of x must match the size of the vector in the corresponding cell of y.

Data Types: double | cell


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This property is read-only.

Number of regions, returned as an array of nonnegative integers. A region is a connected area such that any two points within the area can be connected by a path entirely within the area. Regions may contain holes.

For a mappolyshape scalar, the value of NumRegions is 1 when the mappolyshape object represents a single polygon and more than 1 when the object represents a multipolygon.

For a mappolyshape array, the size of NumRegions matches the size of the array.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Number of holes in the polygon or multipolygon, returned as an array of nonnegative integers.

For a mappolyshape array, the size of NumHoles matches the size of the array.

Data Types: double

This property is read-only.

Geometric type, returned as "polygon".

Data Types: string

This property is read-only.

Coordinate system type, returned as "planar".

Data Types: string

Projected coordinate reference system (CRS), specified as a projcrs object. A projected CRS consists of a geographic CRS and several parameters that are used to transform coordinates to and from the geographic CRS.

Object Functions

geoplotPlot points, lines, and polygons on map
mapclipClip planar shape to xy-limits or polygon
bufferBuffer shape in geographic or planar coordinates
areaArea of polygon shape in geographic or planar coordinates
perimeterPerimeter of polygon shape in geographic or planar coordinates
boundsBounds of shape in geographic or planar coordinates
isinteriorQuery geographic or planar points in polygon
ismultipointDetermine which array elements are multipoint shapes


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Import a shapefile containing hydrographic data for Concord, MA as a geospatial table. The shapefile represents the data using polygons.

hydro = readgeotable("concord_hydro_area.shp");

Create a subtable that contains a polygon representing a pond. Get information about the polygon by querying the Shape variable of the table.

pond = hydro(14,:);
ans = 
  mappolyshape with properties:

              NumRegions: 1
                NumHoles: 3
                Geometry: "polygon"
    CoordinateSystemType: "planar"
            ProjectedCRS: [1×1 projcrs]

Import an orthophoto of Concord, MA, along with a map cells reference object and a colormap. Display the orthophoto and polygon on a map.

[ortho,R,cmap] = readgeoraster("concord_ortho_w.tif");

Create an individual polygon with no holes as a mappolyshape scalar. Specify the projected CRS as World Equidistant Cylindrical, which has the EPSG authority code 4087.

x = [-113 -49 -100 -113];
y = [39 45 19 39];
polyshp = mappolyshape(x,y);

p = projcrs(4087);
polyshp.ProjectedCRS = p
polyshp = 
  mappolyshape with properties:

              NumRegions: 1
                NumHoles: 0
                Geometry: "polygon"
    CoordinateSystemType: "planar"
            ProjectedCRS: [1x1 projcrs]

Create a multipolygon with two regions and one hole as a mappolyshape scalar.

x = [69 90 105 79 69 NaN 6 52 43 14 6 NaN 18 32 22 18];
y = [37 46 31 20 37 NaN 45 49 35 32 45 NaN 35 40 42 35];
multipolygon = mappolyshape(x,y);
multipolygon.ProjectedCRS = p
multipolygon = 
  mappolyshape with properties:

              NumRegions: 2
                NumHoles: 1
                Geometry: "polygon"
    CoordinateSystemType: "planar"
            ProjectedCRS: [1x1 projcrs]

Create two individual polygons as a 1-by-2 mappolyshape array. The second polygon contains a hole.

x = {[69 90 105 79 69],[6 52 43 14 6 NaN 18 32 22 18]};
y = {[37 46 31 20 37],[45 49 35 32 45 NaN 35 40 42 35]};
polyArray = mappolyshape(x,y);
polyArray.ProjectedCRS = p
polyArray=1×2 mappolyshape array with properties:
              NumRegions: [1 1]
                NumHoles: [0 1]
                Geometry: "polygon"
    CoordinateSystemType: "planar"
            ProjectedCRS: [1x1 projcrs]

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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