Bob Thompson
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How to fill array with value 0 if function returns empty []
I admit I don't entirely understand the math here, so there may be a more elegant solution. My MATLAB access is also currently d...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0
Find string of relative directory with regexp
I have a string in a file that I want to find and replace. The string contains a directory that is defined relative to another l...
ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
How to exclude specific results from dir
I have a series of folders: S1 A1 A1b1 A1b2 A1b1_test A2 A2b1 A2b2 ...
meer dan 3 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
answerRepeating while loop to form matrix
You've only indexed one value (ii = 3 means it will only ever be 3), which is why you're only getting one line completed. for i...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
Extracting files of the same name only from the first level of subdirectories
I have a folder structure with three levels, A, B, and C. Level A only contains the folders for B, and each B folder contains a ...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
answerHow to perfrom indexing on nested cell array ?
Are you sure things are set up the way you intend? Here are some things I've noticed: 1) Your main problem is that you're defin...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1
Read in only certain numbers from a txt file.
What does your code look like so far? What are you using to extract the numbers? Off the top of my head, I recommend using some...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
symmetry x axis y axis plotting
Without seeing the code I can't be very specific. Something like the following should work: figure hold on plot(zone1x,zone1y...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
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Vectorize a double loop
Does this work? I haven't been able to test it. M((cell-1)*n^2+(1:n-2)*n+(2:n-1),(cell-1)*n^2+(1:n-2)*n+(2:n-1)-1) = 1/d...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
Find index where condition is true, or end of matrix
I appreciate the input, this is the best I was able to do: statestart = [find(Results.state==5,1) numel(Results.state)]; state...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
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Find index where condition is true, or end of matrix
I have an array that represents the time based states of an analysis. I want to search the array for where a certain state start...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0
answersIndex in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1).
You're getting the error because your e input is size 1x8, but u = e(2,j) is trying to call the second row of e, which doesn't e...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
How do I use matlab to plot a graph where the x,y axes do not intersect?
Create your figure first, then create the axes. This will allow you to specify what they are before the data gets populated, and...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
modifying variable names to enable indexing in a loop
Adjust your variable to index into a multi-dimensional array. I recommend using the first dimension, rows, for the final number ...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1
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Difference between switch and if
I just ran across switch being used in a code and am wonder how it differs from if. The use of switch may not have been well set...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0
answersRemove corresponding values in two arrays
How can I do this easily? Please feel free to elaborate what 'easily' means to you. Your logic for A seems pretty well set up t...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
Shift sheets of matrix individually without loop
I've seen this question a couple of times, but the questions seemed to be old, and used arrayfun which seems like just another l...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0 answers | 0
answersCombine rows and average contents in table
I'm not sure how you're defining the time time ranges but here's some psuedo code that I thought about for the rest of the proce...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
Why does dir command find files not following pattern in Windows?
I have series of files that I am trying to pick up with a dir command. I'm able to get the files, but I'm also picking up one ex...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
answerFor loop indexing problem
Part of the problem is that you're trying to push a 749x2 matrix into an array of 749x1 size (BMactive(:,jj) only calls one colu...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1
| accepted
easy indexing lon-loop versus loop
I think the issue is with your loop definition. You define y1 to be length(x)+M1 long, but n is defined from M1+1 to length(x). ...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
Interpolating non-independent values
I'm not really sure how to ask this in a concise enough way to find it elsewhere, so I'm just going to ask a new question. I ha...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 2 answers | 1
answersCreating Several Data Sheets
If you want to performa the reorganization with MATLAB here is an outline of one possible process to do so. 1) Read that three ...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
Counting variables, and getting last column of matrix within specific criteria
I'm not sure I entirely understand the issue with 6.9418. Are you saying you only want 6.9418 as the magnitude, even though you ...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1
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Linux vs Windows system commands
This may not be the forum for this, I can remove the question if it's not, but I have a script that runs a series of system comm...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
array2table won't accept variable name input
I am attempting to turn an array into a table before I output it into a file, and I am running into an error when I attempt to t...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0
Looking for an alternative to regexp.
I'm looking for an alternative way to parse through strings to find bits of information, or for a way to use regexp that doesn't...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 2 answers | 0
Debugger not stopping on marker
I have a short code that I have put a debug marker in, before running it, but when it gets run the code moves past the marker an...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
answerTerminating a game of tic tac toe if two entries are entered in the same cell
John has a pretty good idea with that. If you put in a logic check and a loop, you don't even need to actually quit the game, j...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
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save matrices from loop
I could be wrong, but it seems like you just need to index flow. vidReader = VideoReader('Tennis Ball.avi'); % Read the Video ...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
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