Steven Lord
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I joined The MathWorks in the Technical Support department during the summer of 2001 and transferred into the Quality Engineering department in March of 2004. I now work qualifying the core MATLAB numerical functions (PLUS, MINUS, LU, FFT, ODE45, etc.) Professional Interests: mathematics, MATLAB For assistance with MATLAB question please post to MATLAB Answers or contact Technical Support using the Contact Us link in the upper-right corner of the page instead of contacting me directly.
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The Code to replace non-threshold indexes in Array
Get rid of the find call. A = randi(5,5) idx = (A > 3) % Make a logical mask A(idx) = log10(A(idx)) % Use the logical mask to...
1 dag ago | 0
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iscellstr warning "To support string in addition to cellstr, include a call to 'isstring'" unavoidable?
I am just wondering why a function cannot be used without throwing a warning. Does the function issue a warning when you run it...
1 dag ago | 0
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download example LLC converter
When I open the version of this example in the release R2022b documentation, the command that it shows me to open that example i...
1 dag ago | 1
to use ismember with arraycell
Both outputs are the same size as the first input. gg = {'A'; 'A'; 'B'; 'A'}; [a1,b1]=ismember({'A'},gg) [a2, b2] = ismember(...
2 dagen ago | 0
Gets "Function 'subsindex' is not defined for valuse of class matla.ui.control.UICONTROL
Don't define a variable named set in your code. If you do, you will not be able to call the set function in that function. Modif...
3 dagen ago | 0
Matlab forgets new paths I add
What did you run between those two pictures of the Path Tool? It almost looks like you ran (or a function you executed ran) pat...
3 dagen ago | 0
A question about the declaration of public properties in apps
How are you planning to share the data between the two apps? This documentation page offers some guidance on how to do that.
4 dagen ago | 0
Not able to use imread on images in subfolders
Instead of adding the path to the file that contains your data to the MATLAB search path, construct the full path to the data fi...
4 dagen ago | 0
Trying to Differentiate Parametric Equation, Error "Error using diff Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar."
At the start of your code you defined v as a symbolic variable. % Define symbolic variables syms R Z e v real But then later ...
5 dagen ago | 0
error out of bond in xlabel
If this is the error you receive: xlabel = 42; xlabel('length of rod') likely the cause is that you've defined a variable nam...
6 dagen ago | 0
trying to extract the months to create a format looks like 202404, how to do that ?
I would rename the variable you've created called month, as it will prevent you from calling the month function while it exists ...
7 dagen ago | 0
How to fit my data to interpolated functions
Rather than defining your function as a large piece of text, I would define it as a function as per the "Fit a Curve Defined by ...
8 dagen ago | 0
Averaging non-aligned time-series arrays
If those integer arrays represent some amount of time (seconds since the start of whatever experiment you used to collect the da...
8 dagen ago | 0
How can I insert a variable into a plot legend, with a special character following the variable?
In addition to what the others have said, rather than passing empty strings into the legend function to skip one or more of the ...
8 dagen ago | 0
after inter activation key write for me Invalid Activation Key (510). For help resolving this issue, see this MATLAB Answer.
If following the instructions in that MATLAB Answers post linked in the error message did not solve the problem, please contact ...
12 dagen ago | 0
Cannot define a cell array of custom classes in function argument validation
What's the default value for your property? properties (Access = private) configurations (1, :) cell {mustBeA(configurat...
13 dagen ago | 0
I think, I might have a problem with the 'hold' part and I get the 'error while evaluating button privatebuttonpushedfcn'
Don't call figure if you don't want to create a new figure.
14 dagen ago | 1
Can I use a struct in an anonymous function?
When I run the ode15s I obtain an error which pertains to the inclusion of the struct as an input to the function. Please show...
14 dagen ago | 1
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How to fill a variable with the results of an if...elseif statement
Rather than creating variables whose number of rows is not known ahead of time, I'd consider creating a table of coordinates and...
15 dagen ago | 0
I am getting errors that I am using ".*" and "*" wrongly in my matrix multiplications in my code. I am poor at matrix algebra and don't know when to use each operator.
Read through this documentation page and ask yourself the question: do I want to multiple each element of one array by the corre...
15 dagen ago | 0
Plotting a graph based on a large table
When you say "haven't got a clue how to do it" does that mean that you know what type of plot you want to create but don't know ...
15 dagen ago | 0
Subtracting matrices by column and performing a summation.
Some functions you'll find useful are the diff, abs, and sum functions. The latter two are pretty easy to find in the doc by sea...
15 dagen ago | 0
Choose any workspace from dbstack for evalin
It comes to me whether I can specify any workspace found in the dbstack here. No. For the evalin function in MATLAB you can spe...
16 dagen ago | 0
splitting a vector into separate vectors
Can you dynamically create variables with numbered names like V1, V2, V3, etc.? Yes. Should you do this? The general consensus ...
16 dagen ago | 1
Deployed Matlab function with strage errors: functions not found
I am fairly certain that the limitation described in the "Do Not Rely on Changing Directory or Path to Control the Execution of ...
16 dagen ago | 1
Using a variable in an input prompt
Another possibility you can use in recent releases of MATLAB (since I think release R2016a) is to use a string array. ii = 5; ...
17 dagen ago | 0
Compare char data in a cell {'x'} to a character 'x'
You've got a lot in here. I'm going to step through certain parts. Let's start off with this comment (formatting added, your wo...
19 dagen ago | 0
How do i multiply this matrix to work in MATLAB, it keeps sending an error
What did you expect to happen when you typed p. in your expression? That's not valid MATLAB syntax. If you had a number instead ...
19 dagen ago | 0
Changing the value of only one parameter causes a problem (possibly with while loop)
Let's look at the while loop. while (V(i) >= Vmax) D(i)=floor(20*(sqrt(4*Q(i)/(pi*Vmin))))/20; V(i)=Q(i)/(pi...
20 dagen ago | 0
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Examples missing from requirements toolbox installation
I'm not 100% certain, but it looks like this page from the release R2022b documentation (the third entry under Topics in the Req...
20 dagen ago | 0