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online tools for classification learner
This was fixed in R2024a-update3 which was released to all customers May 17, 2024. For more detail see:

1 dag ago | 0

How to resolve warning message about broadcast variable while using 'parfor'?
See It includes an example with numel(). If this ans...

13 dagen ago | 0

MATLAB recommended me to download the latest pre-released version is there any difference between that and the normal versions
The R2024b pre-release provides access to many new features. If MathWorks support recommended for you to download the latest pre...

22 dagen ago | 1

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Cleveland heart disease dataset - how to improve test accurarcy?
Main ideas: The main ideas for the answer are: (1) Collapse the target classes to just two classes, namely, presence or absenc...

29 dagen ago | 0

SD from k-fold validation classification learner
The Classification Learner app does not currently provide access to the per-fold validation results, so the best way to get the ...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0

Shapley values for newff model
Answer to the initial question: The short answer is that you can obtain the Shapley values of a model created by newff by using...

ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0

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The mathematical details of using regression kernel for incremental learning
The documentation page that you quoted has an "Algorithms" section, and a set of references. You will likely find the answers yo...

2 maanden ago | 0

Loading and splitting data (double + string) into train and test data
You can leave your data in the table, and use cvpartition or randsample to split your data. If you are aiming to do Classificati...

4 maanden ago | 0

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manually subsetting data for training and testing purposes
In R2023b, a "custom" partition functionality has been added to cvpartition. This functionality can be used to create a cvpartit...

4 maanden ago | 0

Can i form a variable of my confusion matrix from my Matlab classification learner into my matlab workspace on MATLAB 2023a that can be used for further data analysis?
This answer shows how to get the confusion matrix as a variable in the MATLAB workspace in 23a, and how to regenerate the confus...

4 maanden ago | 0

When using a trained classifier for object detection in images using a Bag-of-Features approach, an error occurs stating "Unable to use a value of type cell as an index"
You have not really provided all the details, but it looks like perhaps there is some mismatch between the format of the feature...

4 maanden ago | 0

Change class labels of a confusion matrix that has been exported from Classification Learner
In R2023a, one approach is to access the original confusion matrix info, and then create a new confusion chart with different la...

4 maanden ago | 0

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How to use excel datastore to in a classification problem
As listed in the doc at, the purpose of ...

4 maanden ago | 0

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Issue with Feature Selection Algorithms in Matlab Classification Learner Except for MRMR
This appears to be as designed. As seen at

4 maanden ago | 0

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MATLAB for macOS (Apple Silicon) crashes, fail to set the jenv path
Just FYI, I'm running MATLAB 24a for macos (Apple Silicon) on Sonoma 14.4 on a MacBook Pro M1 Max machine with no issues, so if ...

4 maanden ago | 0

Determining Coefficient Weights in a Rational Quadratic GPR model
If you want to know "which features ... contribute the most to the model's predictions", one way to do that is to use model inte...

4 maanden ago | 0

Plotting a single curve with two x and y axes
The documentation shows how to do what you want. Follow this example and you should be all set: openExample('graphics/MultipleX...

4 maanden ago | 0

why MATLAB online error "requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox."
Looks like a license issue. Here are a few steps suggested by generative AI. If this answer helps you, please remember to acce...

4 maanden ago | 0

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Can i do prediction based on several contributing inputs(Like Five inputs)?
The answer is yes. See the following links to get started:

4 maanden ago | 0

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How do i convert a 3D .tif image to a matrix to be used as testing data for texture classification?
See If this answer helps you, please remember to accept the answ...

4 maanden ago | 0

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I have Matlab R2020 and i need to use or import the built-in function incrementalRegressionKernel which is updated in R2022
I recommend to upgrade MATLAB on your machine, or use MATLAB online ( to get access to a MATLAB version tha...

4 maanden ago | 1

How can I integrate and test a model trained with MATLAB's Classification Learner App in Simulink?
In R2024a, Classification Learner provides an "Export Model to Simulink" option in the "Export Model" menu. This is very conveni...

4 maanden ago | 0

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New to MatLab - how to see the actual predicted classifications for Classification Learner Testing?
In R2023b or higher, you can find the table view that you are looking for in the "Local Shapley" plot on the "Explain" tab. On t...

5 maanden ago | 1

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How can I train CNN(Matlab Classification Learner) with spectogram of a signal?
As of 23b, the Classification Learner app, which is part of the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox (SMLT), is not designed ...

5 maanden ago | 0

pearsrnd and pearspdf are not coherent for the Pearson IV distribution?
MathWorks has posted a bug report This has been fixed in R2024a and in R...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to predict values from machine learning model?
The Classification Learner app is not specifically designed for working with time series. To analyze time series, there are seve...

5 maanden ago | 0

How to find values of variables when a value is known (after using curve fitter)?
Assume this is a surface fit z = f(x,y) as in Curve Fitter app. If it is given that a0 = 1.6745, then substitute that into your ...

5 maanden ago | 0

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Using fitnlm is causing my coefficients and fit to become unstable, even after a few iterations. How can I create the fit to be more stable?
If you are facing instability in your nonlinear regression using fitnlm, you can try to stabilize the fitting process by setting...

6 maanden ago | 1

Related to Classification Learner App
Without seeing more details, there are many possible reasons for the difference between your CLI results and the Classification ...

6 maanden ago | 1

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Closing plot windows crashes Matlab on Mac (M1, Sonoma 14.2.1)
Known issue (among some others with Sonoma). See this thread. It looks like people say they have had success closing figures "m...

6 maanden ago | 0

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