

Last seen: 2 maanden ago Active since 2023

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What are the names of these blocks in the current Simulink r2024b
My guess: First one is a ramp block, second one is a step block, third one is a step block again but the step is done from time ...

3 maanden ago | 0

Hello everyone, how can use matpower with the online matlab?
You upload the matpower.m to your matlab drive and work like that.

3 maanden ago | 0

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6x6 system of multivariate quadratic equations ... non-negative real solutions
fsolve seems to work for most cases, if not lsqnonlin is also an option. here is a general explanation

3 maanden ago | 1

How can i define xo or intial parameters that the ga begin with ?
You use InitialPopulationMatrix of optimoptions. You can get more info on what options you can set for ga in here under InputArg...

3 maanden ago | 0

finding relation between two variables, being discharge and water level in a river
Here is another way using unconstarint optimization: % define some parameters c_real = 3.2965;% actual c value in q = h^c h_m...

3 maanden ago | 0

Configure model block in simscape
In simulink you can create masked systems with parameters and attach a callback to those parameters. So in the callback you can ...

4 maanden ago | 1

Unable to connect scope wit circuit output
You need to put a block for what you want to measure at that point, you can use voltage sensor block to measure the voltage and ...

4 maanden ago | 0

How to create a state space model with constant term and do feedback.
You can define which inputs and outputs are connected to your controller. Checkout the feedback function page and look at the 'S...

4 maanden ago | 0

How to merge two tables into a single table?
You can add "Source" header to each table with "Table 1" or "Table 2" inputs and join them like joining arrays; table1 = table(...

4 maanden ago | 1

Conditionally stop simulation in simulink
You can use the stop simulation block.

4 maanden ago | 0

function zpk and linmod
Here explains how it is done. Basically you have your function that describes the relation between states and inputs. If they ar...

4 maanden ago | 0

How to calculate Average without receiving 'Inf' as a result.
Here is one way: % create dummy matrix A = rand(100,1); A([5 10 24 55 23 60]) = inf; A([12 56 29 35]) = nan; mean(A) % s...

4 maanden ago | 0

writematrix: how to get formatted txt-output?
Use 'tab' delimiter option instead of single space. M = [100 0 4500;0 1 38.29;1 1 38.22]; writematrix(round(M,2),'file.txt',...

5 maanden ago | 0

Simulate recursive function in simulink
I did not care about the dimensions at all while creating the simulink model so some adjustment might be necessary but this is o...

5 maanden ago | 0

Add NaN in the first row of a table
Assuming all your entries are numeric, since you want to assign NaN, here is one way; % create dummy table Age = [38;43;38;40;...

5 maanden ago | 0

Error in displaying the whole matrix
Ther eis probably a 1e6 at the top of the display. You can do 'format bank' to mitigate this if you want or any other format opt...

6 maanden ago | 0

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How to update a function with output from another function?
Here is one way iff the required variables are within the state vector 'y', then you can do: %% change ode45 call [t, y] = ode...

6 maanden ago | 0

slow drawing of a set of points on a plane
In essence for loop are always slower. So try to vectorize your code whereever possible for efficiency, here is a good read. In ...

6 maanden ago | 0

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plot magnitude data at location (x,y,z)
Here is one way where you use colors to indicate the magnitude; % random data x = [0:pi/50:10*pi nan]; % nan is added to remov...

6 maanden ago | 0

Generate the motion (Trajectory) of a sphere (or point) with given velocity value
If you dont care about the actual timing and things, here is one way where the colors of the path indicate the speed and a simpl...

6 maanden ago | 0

How to generate vector with non-linear spacing?
The answer from another question here: A = 1; B = 5; std = .9; % need to play with this to get desired shape within desired r...

6 maanden ago | 0

Second Order Laplace solving doesn't work ('Unable to find explicit solution')
Not sure the underlying reason behind it but you are defining the X as a function of s and solve function seems to be having tro...

6 maanden ago | 0

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How do I solve system of differentials using ode45 and eom functions
You defined a symbolic variable within your ode function, which is a nono if you wanna solve it numerically :D function ds = e...

6 maanden ago | 1

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Solving with ode45 with a solution dependant variable in the ode
No, you should not do it that way. Instead you should create your function properly in a way that represents the equations. It w...

6 maanden ago | 0

How to display a color bar in Matlab as shown below
You can call the colorbar function with the desired tick values Z = peaks; contourf(Z) colorbar('ticks',[-6:0.5:8])

6 maanden ago | 1

Error in for loop: Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
You have essentially made two mistakes: matrix_f only has 6 rows. You setup up your for loop such that k is 1 2 3 4 5 6 . When ...

6 maanden ago | 0

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Friend Function implementation in MATLAB
You can use the Access List property. Here is more explanation. Here also.

6 maanden ago | 0

how to do rising and falling edge in single signal using signal builder..?
Click on Signal->ReplaceWith or New->Square and play with the points. Alternatively, click on Signal->Custom-> enter your time...

6 maanden ago | 1

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how to make task in simulink
You can specify sample time of each block seperatly. Here is more information and how to do it for different blocks, subsystems ...

6 maanden ago | 0

How to loop through cell array and apply script to each double?
You can use the cellfun function, where you use your script as the function. Example: a = {1:3, 200:205, 10:12}; new_a = cell...

7 maanden ago | 0

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