
Christian Schröder

Active since 2019

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  • Number Manipulation I Master
  • Tiles Challenge Master
  • Strings III Master
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  • Magic Numbers II Master

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ICFP2024 005: Lambdaman 1, 2, 3
The ICFP2024 contest was held June29 thru July 1. The contest consisted of five parts: ICFP Language, Lambdaman maze, Starship f...

10 dagen ago


ICFP2024 006: Lambda 21 - 3D
The ICFP2024 contest was held June29 thru July 1. The contest consisted of five parts: ICFP Language, Lambdaman maze, Starship f...

10 dagen ago


Complete a 2nd order difference sequence
In Cody Problem 59791 ChrisR asks us to find the integer that completes a randomly sorted geometric sequence with one missing el...

10 dagen ago


ICFP2024 004: Lambdaman 10
The ICFP2024 contest was held June29 thru July 1. The contest consisted of five parts: ICFP Language, Lambdaman maze, Starship f...

11 dagen ago


ICFP2024 003: Lambdaman 5
The ICFP2024 contest was held June 29 thru July 1. The contest consisted of five parts: ICFP Language, Lambdaman maze, Starship ...

12 dagen ago


ICFP2024 002: Lambdaman 9
The ICFP2024 contest was held June29 thru July 1. The contest consisted of five parts: ICFP Language, Lambdaman maze, Starship f...

13 dagen ago


ICFP2024 001: Lambdaman 6
The ICFP2024 contest was held June29 thru July 1. The contest consisted of five parts: ICFP Language, Lambdaman maze, Starship f...

13 dagen ago


List primes of the form xy+z
Consider three consecutive integers , , and . When is the number prime? For example, if or , then the results are 17 and 37, ...

18 dagen ago


Perimeter of a Koch snowflake
A Koch snowflake is an iteratively generated (fractal) shape built out of successively smaller equilateral triangles by followin...

19 dagen ago


Find polygonal numbers that are Blum integers
A polygonal number is the number of dots arranged in the shape of a regular polygon. For example, 15 is a triangular number beca...

23 dagen ago


Given a Polyshape_01 (ps) Return its Perimeter, Area, and Centroid.
Return the perimeter (P) of a polyshape object, which is the sum of the lengths of its boundaries. Return the total area (A) of...

26 dagen ago


Jigsaw 002: Intro 2x2 square. Local Cody images
This challenge is to re-assemble camerman.tif and other grayscale images from four 128x128 pieces into a 256x256 image. The prop...

26 dagen ago


Determine whether a number is a Blum integer
A Blum integer is a semiprime—that is, the product of two distinct primes—whose factors have the form for some integer . The nu...

28 dagen ago


Output of irf() for VAR models when estimation data is in a matrix or a timetable
Hello, I'm estimating a K-dimensional VAR model and looking at IRFs for structural (orthogonalized shocks) using the Econometri...

ongeveer een maand ago | 0 answers | 0




Rotate matrix 60 degrees
Given a 2*m-1 by 4*m-3 matrix in which certain elements form a hexagon of side length m, rotate the hexagon 60 degrees countercl...

ongeveer een maand ago


Compute the number of squares a knight can reach after n moves
Several Cody problems involve knights from chess. They have asked players to find a knight’s tour in a matrix (CP 96), determine...

ongeveer een maand ago


Jigsaw 001: Intro 2x2 square. Pieces 128x128
This challenge is to re-assemble camerman.tif in grayscale from four 128x128 pieces into a 256x256 image. The pointer layou...

ongeveer een maand ago


Write a MATLAB function that takes a positive integer ( n ) as input and returns the sum of all the even numbers from 1 to ( n ).
Write a MATLAB function that takes a positive integer ( n ) as input and returns the sum of all the even numbers from 1 to ( n )...

ongeveer een maand ago


Compute a sum of Ramanujan
Srinivasa Ramanujan defined the following function: Write a function to compute for various values of . See also Cody Proble...

ongeveer een maand ago


Find jumping medalists

ongeveer een maand ago


Compute Khinchin's constant
Khinchin's constant K_0 = 2.684542001... (also written "Khintchine's constant") has the amazing property that it is the limiting...

ongeveer een maand ago


Compute the nth Pythagorean prime
Pythagorean primes have the form p = 4n+1, where n is an integer, and they can be written as the sum of squares of two integers....

ongeveer een maand ago


Property dispute!
Two neighbors have rectangular plots of land A and B. The surveyors give you the coordinates of each. If they overlap, there is ...

ongeveer een maand ago


Implement the signum function
The signum function is a common mathematical function, which has the following definition : If x => 0, its value is 1, if x < 0...

ongeveer een maand ago


Output the Montgomery Form of the Input Matrix

ongeveer een maand ago


Pronounce digits
Given a number num, select the first d decimal places and pronounce the digits (in English). The function returns the pronunciat...

ongeveer een maand ago


Compute Farey sequences
Problem statement The Farey sequence of order consists of fractions between 0 and 1 expressed in reduced form in increasing or...

ongeveer een maand ago


ICFP 2024 Programming Contest June 28 thru July 1
This is to announce the annual ICFP programming contest for 2024. The ICFP 2024 homepage link is ICFP 2024 . Registration will...

ongeveer een maand ago


Compute a sum
Write a function to compute the following sum Although a solution is available for general values of the coefficients, the co...

ongeveer een maand ago


Generate a point cloud on an equilateral triangle 2
The input is the iteration parameter H. The output is a point cloud W involving N points. W is N uniformly distributed points ...

ongeveer een maand ago

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