Problem 715. Chezz_015 : Simplified chess
Chezz:...A simplified Chess game. Two game match with future multiple skill levels via evolutionary upgrades.
Simplified the rules to implement rapid move check. Normal Chess moves like "a4", Castling, and En Passant are accepted. Moves are simple vectors [idx_from idx_to promo] where promo is for pawns reaching the 8th rank. Piece names are numeric 1-6 White (P,R,N,B,Q,K) and Black is 7-12. Board empty space is 0.
Chezz unique rules: 1) To Win must remove opponent's King.. 2) Lose Turn if try an impossible move.. 3) Checks are ignored - allow move into check, castle out of check, castle thru/into check.. 4) Pawn promote to any piece, including opponent and vacuum.. 5) Six position repetition is a Draw..6) 50 moves No captures is a Draw..
Inputs: (b,pmv,castle)
Player always appears to be White. However, Black may apparently move first.
b (8x8) array with empty=0, White Pieces 1-6, Blk Pieces 7-12
pmv [from to promo] vector of both players moves (needed for en passant option). Illegal move creates a [0 0 0] pmv value. Size [2*moves,3]
castle: 6 pt logical vector to show castling options. 1 if piece is eligible. Positions are [8 40 64 1 33 57] for [WQR WK WKR BQR BK BKR]. . . eg castle mv [40 56 0]
Output: mv [from to pawn_new_type] where from/to are 1-64 and pawn_new is 0 thru 12 if pawn is on final row.
The Test Suite will oversee two games with the Player as Black(moving second) and then as White.
Passing: Player must Win both games
Evolution: Winning player algorithms will be hosted as Chezz_xyz based on their wins over other Chezz algorithms. Champions and the basis will be fully credited in Chezz updates. Champions must be able to play self and Not Cody timeout.
Chezz_015: Pawn Serial Attack - Will capture and Promote
Link update 12/27/12
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