xlim function error. i have seen on video, the codes were working but with me it is not working
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**My codes are below. I get that error: "Error using xlim (line 31) Limits must be a 2-element vector of increasing numeric values."
Also xtickformat function gives me eror. Can you help me? Thanks**
clc; clear; close all;
xlim(datetime([2025 2026],[11 5],[12 23]))
Accepted Answer
on 29 Jun 2021
You're trying to set axis limits on a numeric axes with datetime values -- no can do...
dates=datetime(2025,8,17)+calmonths(2:11)+calweeks(0:9); % create your date vector
figure % make new figure so is clean
xlim(datetime([2025 2026],[11 5],[12 23])) % try your operation
Error using xlim (line 31)
Limits must be a 2-element vector of increasing numeric values.
And, as you saw, boom! Because the default axes created is numeric -- and xlim isn't strong enough to change them to a DatetimeRuler object on its own.
>> plot(dates,randn(size(dates))) % plot a datetime object first
>> xlim(datetime([2025 2026],[11 5],[12 23])) % now you can set the limits as wanted
MORAL: Always make sure you've got the right type of axes object first -- with datetime, need to have put some data on the axes first with plot() or other higher-level function to create the proper type.
More Answers (1)
Steven Lord
on 29 Jun 2021
I would expect to see that error if you'd plotted with non-datetime data as your X data. If for example you'd plotted these points:
x = 1:10;
y = x.^2;
plot(x, y)
How much of that plot would you expect to see if I set the X limits from last Thursday to next Saturday?
T = datetime('today');
lastThursday = dateshift(T, 'dayofweek', 'Thursday', 'previous')
nextSaturday = dateshift(T, 'dayofweek', 'Saturday', 'next')
plot(x, y)
xlim([lastThursday, nextSaturday]);
You haven't specified what error message you received when you tried calling xtickformat but I'm guessing the root cause is the same: you can't change numbers on the X axis into dates and times.
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