Do I have a convergence issue?
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My code does not seem to find the correct B.
Can someone tell me where the code is wrong?
g = 10; %m/s^2
Q = 70*1000; %N/m
tau_L1 = 24*1000; %Pa
t_w = 300/1000; %m
t_f = 300/1000; %m
h_w = 2200; %mm
H_w = h_w/1000; %m
H_tot = H_w+t_f; %m
D_f = t_f; %m
rho_dim = 2.1*1000; %kg/m^3
rho_c = 2.3*1000; %kg/m^3
rho_L1 = 1.8*1000; % kg/m^3
p_max = rho_dim*g*H_tot; % Pa
phi_deg = 30; %degrees
phi_prim = deg2rad(phi_deg); %radians
K_0 = (1-sin(phi_prim))*2^(sin(phi_prim)); %no unit
P = p_max*(H_tot/2)*K_0; %N/m
G_c1 = t_w*H_w*rho_c*g; % N/m
B = 0.5; %m
tolerance = 1e-6; % no unit
max_iter = 3000; %no unit
iter = 0; % no unit
while iter < max_iter
iter = iter+1; %no unit
phi = (0.2*phi_prim+0*(B-0.2))/B; %radians
G_c2 = t_w*B*rho_c*g; %N/m
G_L = ((B-t_w)/2)*H_w*rho_dim*g; %N/m
alpha = atan(P/(Q+G_c1+G_c2+G_L)); %radians
x = (P*((t_w/3)+0.3)+G_L*((B-t_w)/2)+Q*(B/2)+G_c1*(B/2)+G_c2*(B/2))/(Q+G_c1+G_c2+G_L); %m
e = x-(B/2); %m
c_prim_grus = 0; %Pa
c_prim = (0.2*c_prim_grus+(B-0.2)*tau_L1)/B; %Pa
B_prim = B-2*e; %m
N_q = exp(pi*tan(phi))*tan((deg2rad(45))+((phi)/2))^2; %no unit
N_c = (N_q-1)*cot(phi); % no unit
N_gamma = 2*(N_q+1)*tan(phi); % no unit
lambda_ci = 1-(rad2deg(alpha)/90)^2; % no unit
lambda_qi = 1-(rad2deg(alpha)/90)^2; % no unit
lambda_gammai = (1-(alpha/phi))^2; % no unit
gamma = (g*rho_dim*0.2+g*(rho_L1-(1*10^3))*(B-0.2))/B; %Pa
R = sqrt(P^2+(Q+G_c1+G_c2+G_L)^2); %N/m
q = rho_dim*g*D_f; %N/m
if D_f/B_prim < 1
lambda_cd1 = 1 + 0.4*(D_f/B_prim); %no unit
lambda_gammad1 = 1; %no unit
lambda_qd1 = 1+2*tan(phi)*((1-sin(phi))^2)*(D_f/B_prim); %no unit
lambda_cd1 = 1 + 0.4*(D_f/B_prim); %no unit
lambda_gammad1 = 1; %no unit
lambda_qd1 = 1+2*tan(phi)*((1-sin(phi))^2)*atan(deg2rad(D_f/B_prim)); %no unit
lhs = (B-2*(e))/cos(alpha)*(c_prim*lambda_cd1*lambda_ci*N_c+q*lambda_qd1*lambda_qi*N_q+0.5*lambda_gammad1*lambda_gammai*gamma*(B-2*e)*N_gamma); %N/m
rhs = R; %N/m
residual = lhs-rhs; %N/m
if abs(residual) < tolerance
disp('Convergence reached')
B = B + 0.001; %m
Accepted Answer
on 11 Nov 2024
Hi Timothy,
The code is not converging and completing the max iteration steps(3000). This is happening as the "residual (lhs - rhs)" is of much higher order and failing the check “abs(residual) < tolerance” if tolerance is 1e-6.
To solve it there can be two approaches:
1. Keep the tolerance at higher order, around 100(<0.1% of LHS)
2. Increase the "max_iter" to a higher value and decrease the increment of "B". This will give a more accurate value of B but will take more time to calculate.
Result when values at max_iter=30000000, tolerance=1e-2 and increment of B by B = B + 0.0000001
Hope it helps.
More Answers (1)
on 11 Nov 2024
B0 = 0.5;
B = fsolve(@fun,B0)
function residual = fun(B)
g = 10; %m/s^2
Q = 70*1000; %N/m
tau_L1 = 24*1000; %Pa
t_w = 300/1000; %m
t_f = 300/1000; %m
h_w = 2200; %mm
H_w = h_w/1000; %m
H_tot = H_w+t_f; %m
D_f = t_f; %m
rho_dim = 2.1*1000; %kg/m^3
rho_c = 2.3*1000; %kg/m^3
rho_L1 = 1.8*1000; % kg/m^3
p_max = rho_dim*g*H_tot; % Pa
phi_deg = 30; %degrees
phi_prim = deg2rad(phi_deg); %radians
K_0 = (1-sin(phi_prim))*2^(sin(phi_prim)); %no unit
P = p_max*(H_tot/2)*K_0; %N/m
G_c1 = t_w*H_w*rho_c*g; % N/m
%B = 0.5; %m
%tolerance = 1e-6; % no unit
%max_iter = 3000; %no unit
%iter = 0; % no unit
%while iter < max_iter
% iter = iter+1; %no unit
phi = (0.2*phi_prim+0*(B-0.2))/B; %radians
G_c2 = t_w*B*rho_c*g; %N/m
G_L = ((B-t_w)/2)*H_w*rho_dim*g; %N/m
alpha = atan(P/(Q+G_c1+G_c2+G_L)); %radians
x = (P*((t_w/3)+0.3)+G_L*((B-t_w)/2)+Q*(B/2)+G_c1*(B/2)+G_c2*(B/2))/(Q+G_c1+G_c2+G_L); %m
e = x-(B/2); %m
c_prim_grus = 0; %Pa
c_prim = (0.2*c_prim_grus+(B-0.2)*tau_L1)/B; %Pa
B_prim = B-2*e; %m
N_q = exp(pi*tan(phi))*tan((deg2rad(45))+((phi)/2))^2; %no unit
N_c = (N_q-1)*cot(phi); % no unit
N_gamma = 2*(N_q+1)*tan(phi); % no unit
lambda_ci = 1-(rad2deg(alpha)/90)^2; % no unit
lambda_qi = 1-(rad2deg(alpha)/90)^2; % no unit
lambda_gammai = (1-(alpha/phi))^2; % no unit
gamma = (g*rho_dim*0.2+g*(rho_L1-(1*10^3))*(B-0.2))/B; %Pa
R = sqrt(P^2+(Q+G_c1+G_c2+G_L)^2); %N/m
q = rho_dim*g*D_f; %N/m
if D_f/B_prim < 1
lambda_cd1 = 1 + 0.4*(D_f/B_prim); %no unit
lambda_gammad1 = 1; %no unit
lambda_qd1 = 1+2*tan(phi)*((1-sin(phi))^2)*(D_f/B_prim); %no unit
lambda_cd1 = 1 + 0.4*(D_f/B_prim); %no unit
lambda_gammad1 = 1; %no unit
lambda_qd1 = 1+2*tan(phi)*((1-sin(phi))^2)*atan(deg2rad(D_f/B_prim)); %no unit
lhs = (B-2*(e))/cos(alpha)*(c_prim*lambda_cd1*lambda_ci*N_c+q*lambda_qd1*lambda_qi*N_q+0.5*lambda_gammad1*lambda_gammai*gamma*(B-2*e)*N_gamma); %N/m
rhs = R; %N/m
residual = lhs-rhs; %N/m
% if abs(residual) < tolerance
% disp('Convergence reached')
% break
% end
% B = B + 0.001; %m
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