How can I change waypoints/path for pure pursuit algorithm with every iteration?

3 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to modify this example:
in a way that I won't have to use pre-established path coordinates.
My algorithm gives me the cooridnates of desired place (this scenario would be a moving marker) as x=d*sin(theta), y=d*cos(theta) where "d" is measured distance from the marker and theta is an angle between center of my camera and the marker. With evry iteration the coordiantes of the marker change as its changing positions, how can I write a matrix for waypoins/path that would change accordingly?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Answers (1)

Sandip Kumar
Sandip Kumar on 31 Mar 2023
With an example showing how to change the Waypoints as you go.
%Create a controllerPurePursuit object.
pp = controllerPurePursuit;
% Assign waypoints.
pp.Waypoints = [0 0;1 1];
% Compute control commands using the pp object with the initial pose [x y theta] given as the input.
[v,w] = pp([0 0 0]);
% Now release the object, before updating/changing Waypoints.
% Change waypoints and compute the control commands again.
pp.Waypoints = [0 0; 1 1; 2 2];
[v, w] = pp([1 1 0]);

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