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Architectural Data Editor

Manage architectural data

Since R2023b


The Architectural Data Editor lets you edit the Architectural Data section of a Simulink® data dictionary. By using the Architectural Data Editor, you can manage interfaces, data types, and constants that are used by Simulink and shared across architectural models.

With the Architectural Data Editor you can:

  • Create and configure definitions for interfaces, data types, and constants.

  • Filter, sort, and search architectural data in the main Contents pane. See Filter and Manage Entries in Contents Pane for more information.

  • Manage the architectural data of multiple data dictionaries.

  • Configure AUTOSAR Classic platform properties of architectural data:

    • Configure AUTOSAR XML options and share them across models.

    • Export architectural data and AUTOSAR definitions to ARXML and other support files.

  • Import and manage profiles and stereotypes using the Architectural Data Editor. Access the Profile Editor (System Composer) from the Architectural Data Editor from the Profiles tab and select the Profile Editor icon Profile Editor button.

  • Manage and save requirement links using Requirements Toolbox™ Requirements icon. and track changes using a traceability matrix. For more information, see Track Requirement Links with a Traceability Matrix (Requirements Toolbox).

For more information about shared interfaces and data types, see Store Shared Data in Architectural Data Section and Store Data in Architectural Data Section Programmatically, and Manage Interfaces with Data Dictionaries (System Composer).

Image of Architectural Data Editor

Open the Architectural Data Editor

You can open the Architectural Data Editor using any of the following methods:

  • Open Model Explorer by double-clicking an .sldd file, then navigate to the Architectural Data section and click the Open Architectural Data Editor button.

  • From the Interface Editor (System Composer) of a system architecture model, click the Manage interfaces, data types and dictionary references in Architectural Data Editor Manage interfaces, data types and dictionary references in Architectural Data Editor button button.

  • From the Interface Editor of an AUTOSAR architecture model, click the Open Dictionary Open Dictionary button. button.

  • From the Modeling tab of a system architecture model, select Design > Architectural Data Editor.

  • Use the show function on an Architectural Data object.

    arDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create("newDictionary.sldd");

  • At the MATLAB® command prompt, enter archdataeditor.


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You can create a data dictionary from the Architectural Data Editor and then edit the architectural data.

From the Architectural Data Editor, to create a new data dictionary, from the File section, click New.

To configure architectural data for an existing data dictionary, click Open and select the data dictionary. Add interfaces, data types, and constants by navigating to the Create tab and selecting the desired data object.

You can move design data to the Architectural Data section by opening a data dictionary in Model Explorer and right clicking the design data element, from the context menu select Treat as Architectural Data. You can move data from the Architectural Data section to Design Data by right-clicking the data element in the Architectural Data Editor and selecting Move to Design Data. You can also use the moveToDesignData function.


You may need to use the convertToStructType function when moving structs from Design Data to the Architectural Data section.

You can create a data dictionary and return the Architectural Data object programmatically.

Use the Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create function to create an Architectural Data object and an associated data dictionary.

archDataObj = Simulink.dictionary.archdata.create('newDictionary.sldd');

To begin editing architectural data in an existing data dictionary use the function.

archDataObj ='dataDictionary.sldd');

Add interfaces, data types, and constants by using the Simulink.dictionary.ArchitecturalData programmatic interfaces. For more information see Store Data in Architectural Data Section Programmatically.

You can open multiple data dictionaries in a single editor window and switch between them by using the Sources pane.

Interfaces tab of the Architectural Data Editor.

To manage architectural data of multiple data dictionaries:

  1. From the File section, click Open to open existing data dictionaries or click New to create new data dictionaries.

  2. From the Sources pane, select a data dictionary.

  3. Select the Interfaces, Data Types, Constants, or platform-specific tabs to view and edit architectural data. See Create and Configure Interface, Data Type, and Constant Definitions for more information.

On the Interfaces and Data Types tabs, the Architectural Data Editor provides a DataSource column indicating the source data dictionary for each interface or data type.

Architecture Data Editor showing referenced dictionaries.

To reference a data dictionary from another data dictionary:

  1. Open both data dictionaries.

  2. From the Sources pane, double-click the name of the data dictionary to which you want to add a referenced data dictionary. The Details pane displays the Referenced Dictionaries section.

  3. In the Details pane, click Add to add a referenced dictionary. The main Contents pane displays the architectural data in the referenced data dictionary.

  4. On the toolstrip, under Settings, select or clear Include content from referenced dictionaries to show or hide the data from referenced data dictionaries.

Once a data dictionary is referenced, architectural data from the referenced dictionary can be used by the open dictionary that references it. For example, the image shows that the data element in data interface MyDataInterface2 uses enumeration OtherEnum from the referenced dictionary OtherDictionary for its data type.

From the Referenced Dictionaries section of the Details pane, you can add references to existing data dictionaries, remove references, or open referenced data dictionaries in the Sources pane.


You cannot reference data dictionaries from Simulink data dictionaries that are mapped to the AUTOSAR Classic Platform. For more information see Configure AUTOSAR Classic Platform Properties in Architectural Data Section (AUTOSAR Blockset).

You can create interfaces, data types, and constants to be shared among both architecture models and other Simulink models and configure their associated properties.

On the toolstrip, in the Create section, add interface, data type, and constant definitions on the Interfaces, Data Types, and Constants tabs, respectively, by clicking the data type, interface, and constant icons.

To configure interfaces, data types, and constants, on the Interfaces, Data Types, Constants tabs, select an interface, data type, or constant object and edit its properties in the main Contents pane and in the Details pane.

On the Interfaces tab, you can view service interfaces previously created in System Composer or by using the getInterface and getInterfaceNames functions.

You can also add interfaces, data types, and constants programmatically. Add data types by using the addAliasType, addEnumType, addNumericType, addStructType, and addValueType functions.

Supported Data TypesArchitectural Data Editor Operations
Alias Type

Add a Simulink.AliasType data type with the specified name to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addAliasType.

Enumerated Type

Add a Simulink enumeration data type with the specified name to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addEnumType.

Numeric Type

Add a Simulink.NumericType data type with the specified name to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addNumericType.

Structured Type

Add a Simulink.Bus type with the specified name to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addStructType.

Value Type

Add a Simulink.ValueType data type with the specified name to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addValueType.

Add interfaces using the addDataInterface, addServiceInterface, addPhysicalInterface functions.

Add elements to interfaces using the programmatic interfaces of the Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataInterface object and configure those elements using the Simulink.dictionary.archdata.DataElement object.

Supported Interfaces and ElementsArchitectural Data Editor Operations
Data Interface

Add a data interface object to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addDataInterface.

Data ElementAdd a data element object to the selected data interface. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addElement.
Physical InterfaceAdd a physical interface object to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addPhysicalInterface.
Physical ElementAdd a physical element object to the selected physical interface. For more information about performing this operation programmatically, see addElement.
Service InterfaceAdd a service interface object to the Architectural Data section. For information about performing this operation programmatically, see addServiceInterface.
Service ElementAdd a service element object to the selected service interface. For more information about performing this operation programmatically, see addElement.
Function ElementFunction elements are Simulink.dictionary.archdata.FunctionElement objects and are derived from the prototype of their service element


Physical interfaces are not supported for the AUTOSAR Classic platform. For the AUTOSAR Adaptive platform you can configure service interfaces using a data dictionary with no applied platform mapping.

Add a Simulink.dictionary.archdata.Constant object to the dictionary by using the addConstant function.

When you save the Architectural Data section, the properties that you configured are stored in the .sldd file.

The main Contents pane provides an interactive table with information about the interface, data types, and constants objects, such as hierarchy and properties. You can select which columns appear in the table by selecting Columns in the toolstrip.

Use the main Contents pane to:

  • Filter objects — Enter a universal filter or a column-specific filter.

  • Edit objects — Double-click a value in the table and enter a new value. When you enter a value that is not supported, a diagnostic message appears in the pane.

  • Batch edit objects — Select objects of the same type that you want to edit. Double-click a value of one of the selected objects and enter a new value. The new value applies to all selected objects.

  • Reorder interface and structure type element objects — Drag an element object to a new position, or select an element object and click the Move Up and Move Down buttons in the toolstrip.

  • Copy, cut, and paste objects — Select an object and press keyboard shortcuts or click the corresponding buttons in the toolstrip.

  • Delete objects — Select an element object and press the Delete key or click the Delete button in the toolstrip. When you delete an interface object, you also delete the interface element objects it contains.

For more information about using the Contents pane, see Manage Interfaces with Data Dictionaries (System Composer).

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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