The Ultra-Sound Choice: Ultrasonic Imaging Using MATLAB and BRAIN - MATLAB
Video length is 28:57

The Ultra-Sound Choice: Ultrasonic Imaging Using MATLAB and BRAIN

Thomas Barber, BAE Systems
Anthony Croxford, Bristol University

In this talk, you will learn how the University of Bristol and BAE Systems Submarines are using MATLAB® to develop and test powerful ultrasonic imaging algorithms to detect manufacturing defects within safety-critical engineering components.

The instrumental control, GPU, and GUI building capabilities within MATLAB have been leveraged to develop BRAIN: a real-time acquisition, processing, and analysis platform for ultrasonic data, providing a step-change in imaging resolution and sensitivity.

Anthony Croxford will discuss the development and implementation of the platform and Tom Barber will provide an overview of the industrial application of this capability to BAE Systems Submarines and highlight how MATLAB has helped transfer new technology from academia into a production environment.

Recorded: 3 Oct 2018