Purushottama Rao
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Working as a locomotive system software engineer for last 5 years.
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Removing square brackets from cell array
a=strrep(a,char(91),'') use this
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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Inconsistency problem while building a code
I am trying to build a model with ccts Compiler. The Top model consists of reference models. When i tried first time with the ...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0 answers | 0
answersHow do I smooth out the maximas and minimas of the following scope output in Simulink
Matlab Function inherits the sampling time from the block connected to it. As the clock is connected as the input of the functio...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
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Generate the following signals in Simulink
Use a clock as an input in place of sine wave. To reduce the number of cycles you need to modify the function y. If you are lo...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
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getting coordinates from gui axes
You can use one of these commands to read the data on mouse click. [x, y] = getpts(fig) or [x, y] ...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
why is my program not working ?
I think you are looking for something like x=-10:0.01:10; y(x<-1)=2*x(x<-1)+1; y(x>=1)=2.^x(x>=1)+1; plot(x,y)
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
Filling cells with repetitive strings
a=cell(1,60); a(1,1:10)={'hello'}; a(1,11:20)={'tree'}; etc...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 1
how to import the excel data into matlab simulink model?
As i understood, you have set of 10000 R and L Values. You would like to get the current values for each set of R L values. Yo...
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
Why my AC voltage source not provides a sine curve?
Look at sample time in AC Voltage source block.. You may need to replace with your required sample time.
meer dan 7 jaar ago | 0
Simulation of iterated integral
It can can be done by creating a signal which would be 1 during the interval of integration and 0 otherwise. https://in.mathw...
bijna 8 jaar ago | 0
How to make for loop to make various mathematical operations. Using matrices.
If it is a magic matrix, then its fairly simple.. m=magic(5); s=sum(m); ans= m/s(1)
bijna 8 jaar ago | 0
Multiple values for a variable in a for loop
You dont need a for loop for doing it. you can try somthing like x(1:10)=0.2:0.2:2 y1 = ((fg*x2^2)/(24*E*I))*(x2^2 -...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
displaying only even values in a for loop?
If you want to run entire loop on even numbers you can try for m=2:2:1000 ..... ..... end If your loop runs ...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 2
calculating and displaying the slope of a line
You can try uicontrol. Change the position coordinates according to your requirement. The same thing can be expanded for delta x...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
How can I substitute all zeros of a matrix with minimum value of the same matrix?
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 1
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How can I total no. particular parameter of certain column?
if the column wit speed data is denoted as s then use sum(s>80) which gives the desired value
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
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removal of background of cropped image
http://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/155976-how-to-remove-background-from-an-image this gives a good starting point....
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
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how to find average values of answers
b=zeros(1,5) for a=1:5 b(a)=2*a+1; end k=mean(b);
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
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hi, i need to save my for loop array result in cell array,i attached my code,please correct the mistake which i did
OK. i have tried with cc as random generated matrix of size 192*192 I could able to generate the cell array of 1*384 with your ...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
Problem Implementing a sine wave with increasing frequency
The problem with your model is dynamic freqency change faster than the generation of sine wave itself. Say for example, at a g...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
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How could i generate 10000 samples of a random variable uniformly distributred in(0,1)??
In your code,loop should start form 1. i=1:1:1000 However inorder to acheieve what you have wanted, you may not need a loop. ...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
how to read a file in matrix format?
fid=fopen('11_20114111611_logfile.txt','r') k=textscan(fid,'%d%d%d%d') cell2mat (k)
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 1
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Making Pulse sequence with if commands in Embeded MATLAB Function in simulink
When U1 is between u4 and u5, y=u5-u4=0.065-0.035 That is why you have 0.03 magnitude at your output
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
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Need help modifying a piece of code that allows the user to draw lines
If you want to see {0,0} before the mouse click, use this code function draw_lines % Click the left mouse button to ...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
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Need help modifying a piece of code that allows the user to draw lines
Assign a flag for the first click and reset it afterwards. Use the flag to set the coordinates to {0,0}. Hope this is what you...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
Calculating values from an iterative map
for the second part, s=0; for n=4:8 k=(x(n-1)-2)+(x(n-1)+1); s=s+k; end disp(s)
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0
Deploying stand alone applications
Hello Every One, I have been trying to make a stand alone application (which should run on a pc without MATLAB) I have generat...
ongeveer 9 jaar ago | 0 answers | 0
answersinsert textbox in a geoshow plot
text(0.5,0.5,'data') will display data string according to 0.5 nd 0.5
meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0
PID working with sine wave as reference
PI is a common controller normally used in power electroincs for both DC-DC and DC-AC conversions. We have few systems running w...
meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0
Data type conversion for mod operation result.
c=int16(mod(200,3)) will generate c as 16 bit integer class c=int8(mod(200,3)) ...
meer dan 9 jaar ago | 0