Ive J
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Computational biologist.
Python, R, MATLAB
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Save variables (vector) to a tabulated text file
A = randn(10, 1); B = randn(10, 1); tab = array2table([A, B], VariableNames=["A", "B"]); % as a table writetable(tab, "myt...
5 maanden ago | 0
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Swarmchart maximum diplay for shapley?
You can use NumImportantPredictors argument: swarmchart(explainer, NumImportantPredictors=11)
5 maanden ago | 1
How does fsrftest calculate the p-value?
At the end of doc you can see it uses -log(p) to rank features, so there is no significance level here. And yes, it's same as AN...
ongeveer een jaar ago | 0
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How to do linear fitting of data to get R square value and coeficient of a,b ?
n = 100; x = randn(n, 1); y = randn(n, 1); mdl = fitlm(x, y)
ongeveer een jaar ago | 0
Adding String to end of an Matrix
wordlist = strings(3, 1); for n = 1:3 wordlist(n) = input("Word: ","s"); end
ongeveer een jaar ago | 0
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Applying SHAP on a Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
Document and refs are clear enough if you're aware enough what your intentions are. Follow this example if you're interested to ...
ongeveer een jaar ago | 0
Importance of predictors within an Optimizable GPR model
It's almost always good to look at both local and global levels. In case of lime or SHAP, you can calculate on a random subset o...
meer dan een jaar ago | 0
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Linear and Logistic Regressions to control for a possible confouding variable
whether or not should you adjust for some covariates in your model heavily depends on your understaind of the matter you study. ...
meer dan een jaar ago | 0
a philosophical question regarding function (how many tasks should be wrapped inside a function?)
Assuming you're gonna stick with those variable names, you can do somethig like this: T1 = array2table(["matlab 101"; "C++ 20...
meer dan een jaar ago | 0
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.MAT file with multiple tabs/sheets
you can do something like this, and write each sheet to fields of a structure: snames = sheetnames("myfile.xlsx"); out = s...
meer dan een jaar ago | 1
Why does meanEffectSize() use sqrt((varX + varY)/2) for the paired cohensD calculation?
I assume you mean (check more flavors in this paper): x = [10 12 15 8 11]; y = [14 18 16 12 13]; d = mean(x-y)/std(x-y) ...
meer dan een jaar ago | 1
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Multioutput Regression models in MATLAB
I'm not aware of such a function in MATLAB, but you can loop over your target/response variables, and each time fit a new model....
meer dan een jaar ago | 0
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How to cluster data in a boxplot?
what about this? data = load("data.mat").data; % just a personal preference: strings are easier to work with cellCols = v...
meer dan een jaar ago | 0
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How to force enable GPU usage in fitrgp
fitrgp does not [yet] support GPU arrays. You can easily scroll down the doc page and check "Extended Capabilities" for each fun...
bijna 2 jaar ago | 0
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Struggling to lay 2D points over a 3D scatter plot
what about hold on? hold on voc = [125, 45, 0; 140, 39, 0]; scatter3(voc(:, 1), voc(:, 2), voc(:, 3), "*") % or plot3
bijna 2 jaar ago | 0
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how to count uncommented ligns in matlab file?
% doc readlines % lines = readlines("myfunc.m"); lines = [" % comment 1" "dummy = 1 + 3;" " " "%{" "th...
bijna 2 jaar ago | 2
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Right measure for logistic regression of imbalance data and dealing with Complete Separation
It's probably a bit late for your original problem, but since it's an important question and MATLAB still lacks such important f...
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
bfilereader: Efficient processing of big delimited files in MATLAB
bijna 3 jaar ago | 1 download |

How to get the sum of squares in GLM model summary ?
You can get SST, SSE and SSR: mdl = fitglm(rand(100, 2), randi([0 1], 100, 1), 'dist', 'binomial', 'link', 'logit'); mdl.SSE...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
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tall array within a parfor?
Consider the following scenario: ds = datastore(...); dst = tall(ds); parfor ... % warning here: dst is a broadca...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0
answerSort cell numbers ?
If by sort, you mean sort within each element of cell array: G = {[-83;-84] [-65] [-50;-47] [-33;-30] [-26;-22] [-16;-15] [-6; ...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
Using movmean to calculate mean of first and last element in array
What about this? a = [1 5 8 10]; ma = movmean([a, a(1)], [0 1], 'Endpoints', 'discard')
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
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exportgraphics dynamic file name
% A = {'name1', ...} for k = 1:16 %rest of the code c = colorbar; c.Label.String = A{k}; ...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 1
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stepwiseglm model seems to be missing parameters?
It does include both. You should mind the model formula in MATLAB (AKA Wilkinson Notation): x1*x2 is x1 + x2 + x1:x2. See also...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
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Create a double identity matrix matlab
Maybe not the best way, but works: % taken from doc kron n = 12; I = speye(n, n); E = sparse(2:n, 1:n-1, 1, n, n); K = fu...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
Vector dimesions are different before encoding json and after decoding json
How about this? mystr.f1 = 1:4; mystr.f2 = (1:4).'; js = jsonencode(mystr); newstr = jsondecode(js) fnames = fieldnames...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
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How do I match an annotations.json file with their respective images from an image folder?
Try this js = jsondecode(fileread("annotations.json.txt")) % file extension was changed only for upload % get info of first ...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
How to add to Matlab a path with a @Folder
See here www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1659190-why-addpath-is-not-working?
bijna 3 jaar ago | 2
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Can MATLAB save the Profiler results table (Function Name, Calls, etc.) to a text file or a spreadsheet?
info = load("info.mat").info; infotab = struct2table(info.FunctionTable); infotabMain = infotab(:, ["FunctionName", "NumCalls"...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
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Estimate p-values of fitted parameters using armax from sysid toolbox
armax returns parameters and their uncertainties; then you can calculate the p-values. load iddata9 z9 na = 4; nc = 1; sys ...
bijna 3 jaar ago | 0
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