Malay Agarwal
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Python, C++, C
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i have a code for solving the stream function using successive line over relaxation , i should get a graph as metioned below can anyone do correcction tions in this code
Hi @Ruthra, The problem is with the initial guess for . Since you initialize it as zeros, the following equation: (1 - omega) ...
16 dagen ago | 0
How to create a initialize function for a custom layer where the learnable parameters have same size of input?
Hi @BIPIN SAMUEL, I am assuming you are using MATLAB R2024b. You can initialize such a layer by implementing the initialize() ...
17 dagen ago | 0
Error with SequenceInputLayer - TrainNetwork Expects Sequence Dimensions
Hi @Huzaifa, For sequence inputs, the trainNetwork function expects the sequences to be passed as a cell array of dimensions , ...
17 dagen ago | 1
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How do I train a bounding box dataset on YOLOv5?
Hi @Kenneth Ligutom, MATLAB does not have any function like trainYOLOv4ObjectDetector (for YOLOv4) and trainYOLOXObjectDetector...
21 dagen ago | 0
Inquiry about IP address and port number for UDP Send and UDP Receive block
Hi @준호 When working on a local computer, you only need to worry about the "Remote address" and "Remote port" parameters in both...
22 dagen ago | 0
Can any one help me to calculated and plot Chromaticity Diagram CIE(1931, 1976) from PL data
Hi @Mushtaq Al-Jubbori, To plot the chromaticity diagram using the photoluminescence data you've provided, you'll have to calcu...
22 dagen ago | 0
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How to add Inception-Res block and Dense-Inception block in 3D U-Net Layers
Hi @mohd akmal masud, You can implement the Inception-Res and Dense Inception-Res blocks by implementing a custom nested deep l...
23 dagen ago | 0
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when i start matlab, this appears ''Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\common\bin '' i want to remove this
Hi @ASIF ALI, You are getting the warning since the directory "C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\2024.1\common\bin" is added to the MATLAB Sear...
24 dagen ago | 0
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Variable gets cleared after each simulation step with simulink
Hi @Friedrich, According to the documentation of the setupImpl method, you need to define properties as private properties to a...
24 dagen ago | 0
conedisk problem using bvp4c
Hi @uma, Looking at the screenshots, there are multiple values of M used to plot the graphs for but your function only uses a ...
25 dagen ago | 0
Parallel computing on Standalone Desktop App
Hi @Pierpaolo, To deploy MATLAB applications that run in parallel, you need to make sure that the cluster profile of the cluste...
ongeveer een maand ago | 0
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SIngleton implementation without persistent variables
Hi @Rohan, You can create a singleton class without using persistent variables by defining the instance as a constant property....
ongeveer een maand ago | 0
How to create a Cosimulation Block without using Cosimulation Wizard?
Hi @Xuan, Please take a look at the following example, which shows how to create a "Cosimulation Block" using the command-line ...
ongeveer een maand ago | 0
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Arduino Uno Connection in R2024a for Standalone Application
Hi @Nathan Kimmitt, You can refer to the following example for a step-by-step guide on how to create standalone applications fo...
ongeveer een maand ago | 0
Métodos numéricos en simulink
Hi @Valeria, I'm not sure if your professor wants you to use the Euler's method in Simulink as well. You can solve differential...
ongeveer een maand ago | 0
What is the difference between oobPredict and predict with ensemble of bagged decision trees?
Hi @Faranak, The "oobPredict" function is used to get a more realistic estimate of the performance of the model. For each data ...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 1
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How to communicate with TCSPC via MATLAB?
Hi @Daewon Hwang, If you have downloaded the DLLs from the vendor, you can use the "loadlibrary" function in MATLAB to load the...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
unable to incorporate own design Loss function in r2024a
Hi @Petr Kolar, The error occurs since "softmaxLayer" is actually a function and cannot act as a base class for a class. You ca...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
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How I Can Find The HumanActivityData data set contains over 380000 observations of five different physical human activities? from Brian Hu
Hi @Khairul Jauhari, Assuming you are using MATLAB R2024a, I believe you are talking about this example: https://www.mathworks....
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
How to add a legend for a boxplot that indicates how the boxplot was created (summary statistics)?
Hi @Jonathan Bessette, To make such a legend, you will have to use the "findobj" function to obtain handles to the different el...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 1
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Issue with changing Xlabel in DensityScatterChart fucntion
Hi @MechenG, You can set the x-label using all the properties by first calling the "unmanage" function on the "densityScatterCh...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
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How to Install and Use Gazebo Plugin in Simulink for Accessing ROS Topics with MAVROS and PX4 Autopilot?
Hi @Gaurav, You can follow the steps mentioned in the following link to install the Gazebo plugin:
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
Use the PyTorch Model Predict function block in the matlab2024a simulink module to import a neural network trained using pytorch.
Hi @Daisy, According to the documentation for the "PyTorch Model Predict Block", when you specify the "Load command" block para...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
Know if Serialport is connected (in App Designer program); ishandle() always true
Hi @Gavin, You can use the "serialportlist" function with the "available" argument to check which serial ports are available. I...
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
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how can i access to the export button on the architecture views of the system composer, using code?
Hi @Victoria, You can use the Simulink Report Generator toolbox (
ongeveer 2 maanden ago | 0
Blocking pixel label data for semantic segmentation DL training
Hi @Software Developer, Please refer to the following link for an example on how to train a U-Net on multispectral images: http...
4 maanden ago | 0
fzero of MATLAB and FindRoot of Mathematica give different results
Hi @qilin guo, You're seeing a different graph since you're finding the root around the initial value [-1, 1] in MATLAB while t...
4 maanden ago | 0
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nrTDLchannel for uplink - using swapTransmitAndReceive or TransmissionDirection
Hi @Oron, In MATLAB's 5G Toolbox, both "TransmissionDirection" and "swapTransmitAndReceive" are used to handle the direction of...
4 maanden ago | 0
How to train ACF detector with groundTruthMultisignal object
Hi @Liam Viney, I understand that you want to train an ACF detector using labeled data you've created using the Ground Truth La...
4 maanden ago | 0
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Hidden Size in autoencoder
Hi @Jahetbe, There is no rule of thumb for selecting the hidden size in an autoencoder. The best way to determine the hidden si...
4 maanden ago | 0