Stephane Dauvillier
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Plot starts at 1
Hi you should use x and y in the plot command: plot(app.UIAxes,x,y)
meer dan 2 jaar ago | 0
How to not plot a single file in a directory?
You can use the function setdiff to remove one value from a set of values: f = dir; names = setdiff({f.name},"myfileIDontWantT...
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 1
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Create a matrix from another one with an history window of 3 columns
You can try the function diff: A = magic(5); B = diff(A,[],2) But B will have n-1 column what do you want for the extra colum...
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0
How to store sequence of bits as a bit stream and use the least possible memory ?
You can use the functions: dec2bin to tranform decimal number into binary, string to transform the output of the dec2bin from ...
ongeveer 5 jaar ago | 0
Alternate list of elements
Write a function that combines two lists by alternating the elements, e.g. ['a','b','c'], ['1','2','3'] → 'a1b2c3'.
ongeveer 5 jaar ago
split legend columns using Matlab 2017a
Legend columns has been introduced in 2018a.
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
It seems that patternsearch does not use my initial guess.
Hi, After checking your code I've seen your write to time lb(222) and the second time you specify lb(222)=0 BUT your initial ...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
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Batch processing a function
With the batch function, your script will be executed on your PC as it is. The onlyu difference is your current MATLAB session w...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
It seems that patternsearch does not use my initial guess.
Can you provided your coe ? Is there any constaints for your oproblem and the initakl guess doesn't fit the constraint ?
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
Batch processing a function
You need to use the batch function: j = batch('yourScriptName','Pool',4); And replace the for loop by a parfor loop. Be ...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
How to fix "Index exceeds the number of array elements (1)"?
Hi, In you code, first you define L as followed: L=[2*a 2*a a]; Then, you redifine it to: L = L(i); % where i is 1 After ...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
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How to extract only numerical values from cell into new column array?
Try this: in=["chb12_06.edf" "1665 seconds" "1726 seconds" "3415 seconds" "3447 seconds" "chb12_08.edf" "1426 seconds" "...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1
Why is the gpuArray version of my code slower?
OK, Basically if your program takes less than a second on your CPU it's not a surprise it will be slower in a GPU or even in a ...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 1
Best way to read in massive amount of data from csv files?
Hi, If you have huge data file(s), you may want to look at datastore. First datastore can apply on fileS, folder. Then if ...
meer dan 5 jaar ago | 0
Converting cell array from excel to numbers
OK, Well dealing with table, each variables (columns) of the table will have ONE datatype. So that means you have something in...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Converting cell array from excel to numbers
OK, so if your names are not unique: data=readtable(FileName,'ReadVariableNames',false,'TreatAsEmpty' ,'-'); iHeight=strcmp(ra...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Converting cell array from excel to numbers
Hi, Before answering your question, know that most of the time the call of function find is useless. In your case you can do ...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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Random point inside a polygone
Create random point inside a polygone
bijna 6 jaar ago | 1 download |

Why i getting complex double in fitting ode with experimental data
Have follow the hyperlink: Knowing that, can you set boundaries or do you need to specify constraint (see the docuement page he...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Why i getting complex double in fitting ode with experimental data
Sorry, I may have been confusing. The LB and UB will be the lower and upper bound of your parameter. Youtr parameter is a 10 ele...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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Retrieve an attribute from matlab to app designer
There is several ways to do what you want to do. It will depend on your MATLAB knwoledge. To answer you first question. You c...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Why i getting complex double in fitting ode with experimental data
Yes, except you have to modify LB and UB to specify these boundaries. These should be vectors (for instance LB(1) and UB(1) wil...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
How to use different path in different folder
Ok there is several possibility. Option1a: You want your function foo to be used ONLY by the functions of your project1, then y...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 1
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Why i getting complex double in fitting ode with experimental data
Hi, You can specify lower and upper bounds for your var. By the way is it normal that your function DifEq compute the following...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Surf not plotting in App Designer
On the first versions of appdesigner, 3D graph wasn't supported. But it is now. Try to avoir this kind of call with any UI: vi...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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How to solve the error: 'Undefined function or variable 'aviread''
Which version have you ? aviread have been deprecated bfor releases before being removed completelly in the R2014b release. You...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Resize subplot to whole figure window
Try this one subplot(1,1,1,gca) It will transform the gca axe into a subplot(1,1,1) axes
bijna 6 jaar ago | 1
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Why i getting complex double in fitting ode with experimental data
Hi it's seems that the variable U is the first to become complex (just put a breakpoint on the following line): U=1.22*((var(8)...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Error using matlab.graphics.axis.Axes/set Value
Hi, please provide the line and the error message, it's really hard otherwise to provide a suitable answer. On the following li...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
Draw a graphic window vertically in two parts and draw a graphic in the left part functions f1 (x) with dashed line of black color, and in the right function f2 (x) by crosses green color. Observe the variable x in the interval [-pi/4, pi/4] f1(x)=
I assue you don't know the difference between array operator such as .* ./ .^ and matrix operator * / ^ If you have 2 vectors (...
bijna 6 jaar ago | 0
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