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Bitshift cannot work on negative numbers
I believe this is happening for the following reason: The documentation states that "If A is a double array, and ASSUMEDTYPE is...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 2
How to calculate the conditional probability of an event?
Actually, I believe that p(C|A) would be: y = strfind(array, 'A'); N_A = length(y); p_CA = N_AC/N_A; There is one further th...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1
How to calculate the conditional probability of an event?
Myriam, If A, B and C were variables with the values 1, 2 and 3, then in your example: array = [1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, ...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
How to calculate the conditional probability of an event?
Hello Myriam. It is not clear whether A, B, and C here are text characters, or if they have numeric values. If we assume they...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1
| accepted
trigonometric non linear equation
I have no idea what this question is about, but I do notice that some of the expressions are surrounded with curly braces { } ra...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1
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How to 3D plot a circle with radius of 1 in x y and sine wave in z?
How about this: theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100); x = sin(theta); y = cos(theta); z = sin(2*theta); figure(); plot3(x,y,z);
bijna 4 jaar ago | 3
Plotting a row in a Matrix
That would be: plot(sortpopulation(1:10,5));
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
Adding each values to row vector
... but if you just want to create a vector with three values, you would use a statement like: a = [1,2,3]; This produces a ve...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
How do I plot a function over a specific range of x values?
Erica, I think fplot() will work if it is called correctly. If you want to use it, you need to define the function so that it ...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
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For loop execution.
I think it may be the 4 clauses that read like (t >= 0.1 & t <= 2.5). Shouldn't these say (t(d) >= 0.1 & t(d) <= 2.5)?
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
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what function to use to find frequency of values in set?
... or maybe histcounts(R12) to get a histogram.
bijna 4 jaar ago | 0
Why do i get the error "Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent"
The problem in the second program is the statement 'theta(i) = theta', which is changing theta from a scalar into a vector. The...
bijna 4 jaar ago | 1
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Animate creation of a circle clockwise and anticlokwise for different staringpoints
Tim, A correction to the last message. If you want to go counterclockwise, you need to make the final angle bigger than the st...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
Animate creation of a circle clockwise and anticlokwise for different staringpoints
Hi Tim, Actually I have been thinking a little more about this, and I believe it is even easier than I suggested. You don't ne...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
Animate creation of a circle clockwise and anticlokwise for different staringpoints
Hi Tim, I don't think there is any problem with the cases you describe. The values of sin() and cos() are periodic in their ar...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
Animate creation of a circle clockwise and anticlokwise for different staringpoints
Tim, I think you could avoid all the special cases by making use of the atan2() function. This function is defined for points ...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
How to use for loop structure to calculate two vectors to dot product
a = 1:5; b = 6:10; c = 0; for j = 1:5 c = c + a(j)*b(j); end However, this calculation can be done more simply with t...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
Subtraction of elements in successive rows
The easy way to do this is A = diff(a);
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
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How can i use fill3 to make a box
That's odd. I cut and pasted the code from your question and ran it. It produced a blue rectangle in the z=0 plane, which I th...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
Data saving for a loop
Nertila -- Yes, that is what this code does. Maybe it would be more clear if I wrote it in this way, with the k-index being the ...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
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Data saving for a loop
a = zeros(n,n,n) for i=1:n %calculus for j=1:n %calculus for k=1:n %calculus ...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
Why do I get this error?
One of the first two terms on the right should have an i+1 rather than i-1, but this is undoubtedly not the problem that caused ...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
Creating a loop to determine at which iteration an error has occurred
You don't necessarily need a loop for this. You can use B = diff(A) to return the differences between each pair of successive v...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
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How rotate a cylinder?
Lorenzo -- If all you need is to have the center of the cylinder located at the origin of the coordinate system, then what you n...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
How to use bar() to plot
I suspect the arguments to your plot() functions are reversed, When you type plot(a,b), Matlab puts 'a' on the x-axis ahd 'b' o...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
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Matlab question, very stuck
Your program seems to be a little uncertain about whether v is a number or a vector, and it also doesn't assign the values corre...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
Plotting square wave in matlab
Yes, the function square(x) returns a unique value, either +1 or -1, for each vallue of x. There is no value of x for which it ...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1
How to do integral for data
I have two comments: A more correct statement about the integral is that the integral of sin(x) is equal to C-cos(x), where C i...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0
How to produce line plot yline for matlab R2018a
It's not really necessary to plot 100 points along the line. The first and last points are enough, as in: plot([0,1],[260,260]...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 1
How to remove numbers from a vector?
You could use something like: while z_force(1)==0 z_force(1) = []; end while z_force(end)==0 z_force(end) = []; en...
ongeveer 4 jaar ago | 0