
Wan Ji

Last seen: 2 dagen ago Active since 2021

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Research Interest: computational mechanics and modeling the world

Programming Languages:
Python, C++, C, MATLAB, Fortran
Spoken Languages:
English, French, Chinese


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How to show node/element numbers on the boundary ONLY?
Hi, friend, Here are some tips for you. Firstly, you can find those edges (an edge is generally denoted by two nodes) that are...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0

Call a folder from desktop and use images inside it
Hey, friend, Using uigetfile is a nice choice, for example [file,path,indx] = uigetfile( ... {'*.jpg;*.png;*.tiff;*.tif;*.bmp...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0

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Matlab default font monospace is not a wise choice
Did anyone encounter a problem when writing an m-script on matlab? The problem is that your naked eyes can't tell the number '1'...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 1 answer | 0



How can I fix my function?
Hey, friend Just try the inline function ispythag = @(a,b,c)a.^2+b.^2 == c.^2; a = ispythag(1,2,3) b = ispythag(3,4,5) Then...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0

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Matlab versions supported on Windows 11?
WINDOWS 11 itself should support running the softwares on win10. ELSE microsoft would not release it and clients would not use i...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0

Using ODE45 for first order diff equation with three different variables
For example function dxdt = func(t,x,g) dxdt = zeros(3,1); dxdt(1) = (0.1*x(1))+(0.25*x(2))-(g*x(3)); dxdt(2) = (0.1*x(1))+(...

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 2

| accepted

how to write to solve this type of system of equations ?
Hey friend Just expand the left items of the two equations, extract u'' and v'', then an ode45 solver is there for you.

ongeveer 3 jaar ago | 0

multiple graphs in one script
Modified the code as %% 6 x = ([-2*pi:0.1:2*pi]); f = x-sin(x) g = 1-x.*cos(x) figure(1);clf; plot(x,f,x,g) title('f(x) &...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

How to check if an array is empty without using any built in functions
Use isempty x = []; isempty(x) Then the answer is ans = logical 1

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 1

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I want to co-relate the local coordinate system with global co-ordinate system of a 8-noded element. How to do it in matlab?
You need to add the element information element_id = 5; % for example, the local element id is 5 selected_element = element(el...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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I don't know how to avoid eval
Hi friends from community, I am very confused on how to manage 'eval' function existing in my code, i need it to be removed fro...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 3 answers | 0



Total Solution Differential Equation
If u(t) = 1, then your solution is right. If it is a function with respect to time, then your solution is wrong. Exact code: ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

How to plot such figure in MATLAB?
use polarplot theta = 0:0.1:pi; r = 1+0.6*sin(10*theta); polarplot(theta,r); set(gca,'ThetaLim',[0 180]) set(gca,'Rdir','re...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 1

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How to plot a 3D vortex flow
If you donot have a mesh, then you need to reconstruct your mesh! X = X(:); Y = Y(:); Z = Z(:); U = U(:); V= V(:); W=W(:); min...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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Saving the regression trained model
You should save the trained model after click the 'export' the model to workspace. (you can see you saved model in workspace) ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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Solving 3 simultaneous equations using solve.
Do not use 'pi' use pi instead %define attributes: gamma=21.05; phi=35.55; phi1=0.75*phi; d=0.6; syms L Rs Rb; zc=(0.3*ph...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

How to add consecutive numbers from a column in a .txt file?
Just use movsum a = [1 1 8 2 3 1]; b = movsum(a,2); % I should apologize for not adding 2 b = b(2:end) The answer b = ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 1

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How do i write the function for the taylor polynomial of cos(x) using for loops and no anonymous function
If a large x is selected, then use function Pn = taylor_cos(a,n) x=mod(abs(a),2*pi); % if(x>=pi) x = 2*pi-x; end Pn=1;...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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How to use sym and function handle(@) in same code
Hi, use matlabFunction, my friend syms theta Ai = cos(theta).*[1 1 2; 4 5 6; 9 1 3] Bi = tan(theta).*[6 9 1; ...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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How to average first two dimension of 3D array/matrix?
Just use mean function to average first two dimension of 3D matrix a = rand(2,3,4); % I just use rand function so the result is...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 1

Save points or data in right order
I have answered this question before, now I have a better solution to this problem which can identify many connected regions cl...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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How to make a={'1','2','3','4'} to b={'1234'}
The simple way is a={'1','2','3','4'}; b = {[a{:}]} Answer b = 1×1 cell array {'1234'}

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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how do you sum using loop?
x=1:100; f=@(x)x.*(1+x); S=sum(f(x));%this should be ok %or use loop f=@(x)x.*(1+x); S=0; for i=1:100 S=S+f(i); end...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

How to form a sphere with 1's in a 3D matrix
If there is no scale factor effect with different directions: m = 80; n = 100; p=90; [px,py,pz] = meshgrid(1:n, 1:m, 1:p); ra...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 1

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How to sum the values when they are bigger than 25, 50, 75, (conditional) and they are from the same group?
That's quite simple, you don't need to compare them clc;clear ID = ['1_A' ; '1_A'; '1_A'; '2_B'; '2_B'; '3_C'; '3_C';...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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How to i change the SNR to Vector?
SNR = -20:10:30; a(numel(SNR)) = helperModClassTestChannel(); for i = 1:1:SNR a(i).SNR = SNR(i); end

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

Why is it not taking the sqrt function, and how to fix it?
You should transform char format to double then do your work B = str2num(B); H = str2num(H); n = str2num(n); s = str2num(s);...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

plot the equation graph
Hi, It is not neccessary to solve this equation x = 0:0.00001:1; f = @(x,m,a)(m*pi+atan((x)/(1-x))+atan((a+x)/(1-x)))./sqrt(1...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

How to plot mean with respect to bins?
Hi friend, Use histcounts and histogram, then the work is done clc;clear value = rand(100,1) + 0.1; % lack of your data, i ge...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

hot to plot horizontal Histogram??
Try to do this counts = [0 664 320 316 664 664 664 664 320 320 664 664 664 664 664 240 664 229 664 664]; Substances = 'abcdefg...

meer dan 3 jaar ago | 0

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