wind turbine and its working - MATLAB Shorts Mini Hack
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on 30 Oct 2024
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Write your drawframe function below
function drawframe(frameNumber)
% Parameters
bladeLength = 3; % Length of each blade
numBlades = 3; % Number of blades
hubRadius = 0.2; % Radius of the hub at the center
poleHeight = 8; % Height of the turbine pole
rotationAngle = frameNumber * 15; % Rotation per frame (degrees)
% Create figure
hold on;
axis equal;
view(3); % 3D view
grid on;
axis([-5 5 -5 5 0 poleHeight+2]);
title(['3D Wind Turbine - Frame ' num2str(frameNumber)]);
% Draw the pole of the turbine
[X, Y, Z] = cylinder(0.1, 20); % Thin cylinder for pole
Z = Z * poleHeight;
surf(X, Y, Z, 'FaceColor', [0.5 0.5 0.5], 'EdgeColor', 'none'); % Grey pole
% Draw the hub at the top of the pole
[hubX, hubY, hubZ] = sphere(20);
surf(hubX * hubRadius, hubY * hubRadius, hubZ * hubRadius + poleHeight, ...
'FaceColor', [0.7 0.7 0.7], 'EdgeColor', 'none'); % Slightly larger hub
% Draw the blades
for b = 1:numBlades
% Calculate blade angle for each blade
bladeAngle = rotationAngle + (b-1) * (360 / numBlades);
% Define blade end points
xBladeEnd = bladeLength * cosd(bladeAngle);
yBladeEnd = bladeLength * sind(bladeAngle);
zBladeEnd = poleHeight;
% Draw blade as a line from the hub center to blade end
line([0, xBladeEnd], [0, yBladeEnd], [poleHeight, zBladeEnd], ...
'Color', [0 0 1], 'LineWidth', 2); % Blue blades
% Display rotation direction arrow (optional)
quiver3(0, 0, poleHeight + 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 'k', 'LineWidth', 1, 'MaxHeadSize', 1);
hold off;

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