Drumming Red - MATLAB Shorts Mini Hack
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on 14 Oct 2024
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Cite your audio source here (if applicable):
Write your drawframe function below
function drawframe(frame_number)
clf; % Clear the figure for the new frame
axis equal;
hold on;
axis([-10 10 -10 10]);
% Create background color transition (day to night simulation)
color_shift = 0.8 - 0.8 * (frame_number / 96);
set(gca, 'Color', [color_shift, color_shift, 1]);
% Animate a bouncing ball (circle)
t = (frame_number / 96) * 2 * pi; % Time variable for bouncing effect
x_ball = 0; % Fixed x-position for the ball
y_ball = 7* abs(sin(t))+1; % Vertical bouncing effect
r_ball = 0.5; % Radius of the ball
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
x_circle = r_ball * cos(theta) + x_ball;
y_circle = r_ball * sin(theta) + y_ball;
fill(x_circle, y_circle, [1, 0, 0]); % Orange ball
% Draw a rotating , with lag
arm_length = 4;
rotation_angle = (frame_number / 96) * 2 * pi+(3/pi); % Rotation over time
for i = 1:4
x_arm = [0, arm_length * cos(rotation_angle + i * pi / 2)];
y_arm = [0, arm_length * sin(rotation_angle + i * pi / 2)];
plot(x_arm, y_arm, 'k', 'LineWidth', 3); % Draw the arms
Optional: Title or additional text
text(-8, 9, sprintf('Frame: %d', frame_number), 'FontSize', 12, 'Color', 'w');
hold off;
function createMovie()
nFrames = 96; % Total number of frames (12 seconds * 8 fps)
figure; % Create a figure window
mov = struct('cdata', [], 'colormap', []); % Preallocate a structure for the movie
for frame_number = 1:nFrames
drawframe(frame_number); % Generate the frame
mov(frame_number) = getframe(gcf); % Capture the current figure as a frame
drawnow; % Update the figure window
% Play the captured movie
movie(mov, 1, 8); % Play movie 1 time at 8 frames per second

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