Is there a way to create a Dubins path given a set of waypoints?
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I want my UAV model to fly through a set of waypoints, is there any way I can decompose the path into dubins connections i.e straight line segments and circular arcs?
Answers (2)
Yiping Liu
on 13 Jun 2021
Edited: Walter Roberson
on 13 Jun 2021
Please check the example in the doc page below
Jianxin Sun
on 14 Jun 2021
The connect method of uavDubinsConnection can accept pairs of start and goal poses. Assume your waypoints are defined as a Nx4 matrix. Each row is one waypoint in [x, y, z, course angle] format. The following two lines should provide N-1 dubin's path connecting all your waypoints.
connector = uavDubinsConnection;
connector.connect(waypoints(1:end-1, :), waypoints(2:end, :))
See Also
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