Matlab Bisection Algorithm code

15 views (last 30 days)
% I'm trying to create a proper bisection code, and would like some advice on whether this code will...
%run properly. I am not sure how to test it, since every time I write a function on the
%command window, it tells me "x" is an unrecognized variable
function[r,resarray] = bisect(f,a,b,tol,N)
%f is my anonymous function, a and b are my guesses for where the root
%might be, tol if the tolerance(in this case 10^-6) and N is the
%maximum number of iterations
f = f(a);
k = 1;
while (k<= N && abs(f)>tol)
c = 0.5*(a+b);
f = f(c);
if f *f(a) <0
b = c;
a = c;
k = k+1;
r = c;
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 24 Feb 2021
Can you show us how you're trying to call it and the full and exact text of any warning and/or error messages you receive?
I'm guessing you're doing this as part of a homework assignment. Does your textbook have any worked examples that you can try to run using your code to check that you receive the same results?
Nowhere do you assign a value to resarray so if you ever call your function with two outputs it will error.
Aaron Millan
Aaron Millan on 24 Feb 2021
Hello! This is how I am attempting to call the function
And this is the error message:
Unrecognized function or variable 'x'.

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Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 24 Feb 2021
attempts to call the sin function with the contents of the variable x as input and use whatever that function call returns as the first input to your bisect function. From that error message x doesn't exist and so MATLAB can't evaluate that function call, but even if it did exist the output likely would be a numeric array (if x was a numeric array.)
You want to give bisect a function it can call with inputs of its choice, and for that the easy thing to do is to pass an anonymous function or a regular function handle.
bisect(@(x) sin(x), pi/2,1.5*pi,10^-6,100)
bisect(@sin, pi/2,1.5*pi,10^-6,100)
What's an example where you might want to call a function and pass whatever it returns to bisect? One possible scenario is the "bind pattern", a function that returns a function handle.
bindK = @(k) @(x) x.^k; % This function handle creates and returns a function handle
f = bindK(2) % a function handle that computes x.^2
g = bindK(pi) % computes x.^pi
bisect(bindK(3), ...) % Use bisect on essentially @(x) x.^3

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