I want to use the maximum value to solve R, but I don't know how to fix the error.
clc; clear all; close all;
syms R
step = 10^-12;
t = [-1*10^-8 : step : 1*10^-7];
L = 0.406e-9;
C = 1.716e-9;
a = R/(2*L);
n = 1/(sqrt(L*C));
d = sqrt(((n)^2)-(a^2));
T = 15*10^-9 ;
m = A/T;
tow = R*C;
unitstep_1 = t>=0;
unitstep_2 = (t-T)>=0;
Vct_t = unitstep_1.*( t - (2.*a./n^2) + (exp(-a.*t)./d).*(( (2.*a./n).*sin(d.*t + atan(d./a))) - sin(d.*t) ));
Vct_T = unitstep_2.*( (t-T) - (2.*a./n^2) + (exp(-a.*(t-T))./d).*(( (2.*a./n).*sin(d.*(t-T) + atan(d./a))) - sin(d.*(t-T)) ));
Vc = m.*(Vct_t - Vct_T);
Vmax = max(Vc);
ANS = solve( round(Vmax,2) == 13.10 )