What products are Recommended?

22 views (last 30 days)
Jianan Song
Jianan Song on 17 Jun 2020
Answered: Steven Lord on 20 Oct 2020
When I download and install R2020b, there are many products can be chosen but I don' t have enough space.
Do I need to download all the products? All could you please recommend some enssencial products for me?
I am a finance student who sometimes do some econometrics and financial modeling.
Thank you so much!

Answers (3)

Nikhil Reddy Pottanigari
Nikhil Reddy Pottanigari on 18 Jun 2020
MATLAB is a prerequisite for all the other products. For a detailed list of toolboxes and addons available with MATLAB, you can refer to this link:
Some recommended Addons for finance student:
  1. MATLAB Curve Fitting Toolbox.
  2. Financial Instruments Toolbox.
  3. Financial Toolbox.
  4. Econometrics Toolbox.
  5. Optimization Toolbox.
  6. Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.

Md. Nafeesur Rahman Khan
Md. Nafeesur Rahman Khan on 20 Oct 2020
You probably already have received your desired answer. Just adding a quick note for future queries. I found this link very helpful.
MATLAB Computational Finance Suite Product Set
  2. Curve Fitting Toolbox
  3. Database Toolbox
  4. Datafeed Toolbox
  5. Econometrics Toolbox
  6. Financial Instruments Toolbox
  7. Financial Toolbox
  8. Optimization Toolbox
  9. Parallel Computing Toolbox
  10. Risk Management Toolbox
  11. Spreadsheet Link (for Microsoft Excel)
  12. Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 20 Oct 2020
In addition to what the other posters suggested, take a look at the Solutions page on the website. This lists various industries and applications and what companies are doing with our products in those industries and application areas. There are also the User Stories, where you can look for something like what you want to do and see what products users in academia and industry have used to accomplish those tasks.


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