remove unwanted black pixels from binary image
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I have a binary image of a zebra fish. im trying to segment the fish but im getting the unwanted black pixels from the image. Im attaching two images- one with unwanted black pixels and one without unwanted black pixels.
Adam Danz
on 14 May 2020
Copy of question
I have a binary image of a zebra fish. im trying to segment the fish but im getting the unwanted black pixels from the image. Im attaching two images- one with unwanted black pixels and one without unwanted black pixels.
Answers (1)
Subhadeep Koley
on 24 Feb 2020
It is difficult to fill the binary image exactly as you want but twaeking the various parameters of the function bwmorph we can go pretty close. Perform the following operations on your binary image.
b = bwmorph(b, 'close', Inf);
b = imfill(b,'holes');
se = strel('line', 8, 30);
b = imerode(b, se);
b = bwmorph(b, 'majority', Inf);
figure; imshow(b);
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