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@MinidroneCompetition Is the simulation time is limited to 100 seconds? AND will the drone always start at the origin?

2 views (last 30 days)
Since Tfinal value is limited to 100, will the test cases have the limitation. In stateflow it requires us to have assigned values beforehand to x and y , what values should we assign to it.

Answers (1)

Maitreyee Mordekar
Maitreyee Mordekar on 22 Aug 2019
Hello Mohammed,
You can set the TFinal value to Inf. The test cases will consider when you take off and land on the circle.
As far as the second questions is considered, the drone will start at the point where the first section begins.But since values of X and Y will be with respect to the body fame, the global frame of reference should not cause a problem.
I hope this answers your question.


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