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Minidrone orientation value change problem

1 view (last 30 days)
Initially I implemented model by changing position ref values in path planning block. It works properly. But when i give inputs to the orientation, its only taking values for yaw. I want to implement pitch movement in the model. How do i do that?
Also after making changes in the model i am not able to save it. Next time when i run the model using command parrotMinidroneCompetitionStart , it opens the same model which is given as an example. Please tell me how shall i save changes in my project?
  1 Comment
Ramakrishna CH
Ramakrishna CH on 13 Aug 2019
How did you gave inputs on orientation and how the yaw is changed.can you explain?

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Answers (1)

Maitreyee Mordekar
Maitreyee Mordekar on 8 Jul 2019
Hello Sadashiv,
To use orientation control for the drone, you will have to change the flag controlModePosVsOrient to 0 from 1. In the controller that is used by the drone, you can either work with Position Control or Orientation Control; not both together. The Yaw control is working since yaw has an independent controller in position and orientation control.
Everytime you type the command parrotMinidroneCompetitionStart, a new Simulink Project is created. When the new project gets created, you can go to the folder one level above, and access all the projects that you have created typing the command. You will see multiple folders with parrotMinidroneCompetitionXX name; where XX is a number.
Maybe you can keep the folder you are working on in a different directory or just remember the number of the folder.
I hope this helps!


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