Why my generated matrix has a square bracket at every line?

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My generated matrix has a square bracket at every line, why? How to solve this problem? Many thanks! The codes are as follows.
clear all;
syms kz x y
m = 2;
vh = 4;
mu = 11;
delta = 8;
HBAR = 1.05457266e-34;
ME = 9.1093897e-31;
ELEC = 1.60217733e-19;
Kh = 2.106;
vKh = [0,0,0;Kh,0,0;-Kh,0,0;0,Kh,0;0,-Kh,0];
kc = sqrt(2*ME*ELEC/HBAR^2)*1e-10;
ku = kc*sqrt(mu+delta);
kd = kc*sqrt(mu-delta);
a3 = [pi/Kh,pi/Kh,sqrt(2)*pi/Kh];
kuu =@(x,y) [-ku*sin(x)*cos(y), -ku*sin(x)*sin(y), kz];
for p=1:5;
for q=1:5;
tuu(p,q)=(sum((kuu(x,y) + vKh(p,:)).^2)-ku^2)*(p==q)+ kc^2*vh*sum(exp(i*n*sum((vKh(q,:)-vKh(p,:)).*a3)))*(p~=q);

Answers (2)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 31 Aug 2018
That's just the way non-scalar symbolic matrices are displayed in the Command Window.
The Live Editor displays symbolic matrices differently. Perhaps that will be more to your liking. See this example that creates and manipulates symbolic matrices. The Linear Algebra section of that example in particular creates matrices b and lambda.

KALYAN ACHARJYA on 31 Aug 2018
Edited: KALYAN ACHARJYA on 31 Aug 2018
kuu =@(x,y) -ku*sin(x)*cos(y), -ku*sin(x)*sin(y), kz;
Henan Fang
Henan Fang on 2 Sep 2018
@KALYAN ACHARJYA I have voted your answer. Thanks again!

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