return a matrix from a MATLAB mfile(function) to python uing MATLAB API

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I want to send input data from python(Spyder) to MATLAB and use a function in MATLAB mfile named "triarea" and return thee variables to python. I the mfile is pretty simple:
function [e,f,g] = triarea(c,d) e = 0.5*(c.* d); f = [1 2 3]; g=zeros(4,5); end
The code I use in Spyder is: import matlab.engine eng=matlab.engine.start_matlab() aa,bb,cc=eng.triarea(1.5,2.5,nargout=3)
We have three outputs and two of them are matrixes. but when I run, only the first variable aa, which is a float is shown in spyder variable window. I wonder where the two matrixes are and how can I import matrixes from Matlab to python?

Accepted Answer

Stephan on 27 Apr 2018
Edited: Stephan on 27 Apr 2018
everything you do is working fine. I used your matlab code:
function [e,f,g] = triarea(c,d)
e = 0.5*(c.* d);
f = [1 2 3];
and added 1 line with the print command to your python code to see whats going on:
import matlab.engine
print(aa, bb, cc)
Everything works - see here:
variables bb and cc are given to python as a list. The only thing you have to do is grab them out and use or convert it like you need. I used LiClipse 4.2.0, Python 3.5 with Matlab 2018a on a Windows 10 platform.
Best regards
  1 Comment
Mani Ashouri
Mani Ashouri on 27 Apr 2018
Yes, you are right, thanks. I use this code and python changes them to float64 type. m=np.array(cc) n=np.asarray(bb) I don't know the difference between float, float64 or array in Matlab. So what is the difference in use? actually, I want to import the data received from MATLAB, to another simulation program named PSCAD(for power system)

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More Answers (1)

Stephan on 27 Apr 2018
Edited: Stephan on 27 Apr 2018
Hi again,
see here - there you learn about the datatypes:
from matlab to python:
from python to matlab:
the float type of python is equal to matlab double type. So it should be not a problem to use this data for further operations.
best regards

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