decimal number as filed name of a structure

9 views (last 30 days)
how can I set this as field name ? since it has a decimal in it , Matlab doesn't accept it to be field name . If i could get rid of the dot, it works but i don't know how ?

Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 3 Jan 2018
You could find and replace the dots ...
fn = 'One_IMj_4_Story_Selected_Records_Set_0.01SA_0.99dNSA'
fn2 = regexprep(fn,'\.','_dot_')
fn2 =

More Answers (1)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 3 Jan 2018
An alternative to regexprep is matlab.lang.makeValidName. A benefit of makeValidName is that you don't have to explicitly list all the possible invalid characters in your field name and their replacements. It doesn't care if the input is:
'One_IMj_4_Story_Selected_Records_Set_0.01SA_0.99dNSA' (periods)
'One_IMj_4_Story_Selected_Records_Set @ 0.01SA_0.99dNSA' (periods and @ symbol)
'1_IMj_4_Story_Selected_Records_Set_0.01SA_+ 0.99dNSA' (invalid first character, periods, space, and +)


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