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For Loop Indices Manipulation

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Areeb Hussain
Areeb Hussain on 27 Jun 2017
Edited: dpb on 29 Jun 2017
Hi all. I have a function file which has a for loop which, depending on the conditions, returns certain equations that should end up creating a vector of differential equations, of number x that is determined by user input, that would be solved with 'ode45' in the main m-file. The issue is that the loop must start at 3 in order to have real positive integers.
function [ DeltaO2Concentration ] = O2Solver_beta(t,O2Conc,c,O2Leak_term,nodes_num,slt_nodes2,last_node)
%UNTITLED Test function used to solve 'first attempt' code.
% System of ODE diffusion equations that will be solved using 'ode45'
% function. Inputs are constant composed of universal and calculated
% constants, time (independent variable), O2Conc (dependent variable),
% O2Leak which is a separate term or something.
% DeltaO2Concentration = [0;
% c*t*(O2Conc(1)-O2Conc(2)+O2Conc(3)-O2Conc(2));
% c*t*(O2Conc(2)-O2Conc(3)+O2Conc(4)-O2Conc(3));
% c*t*(O2Conc(3)-O2Conc(4)+O2Conc(5)-O2Conc(4))%+O2Leak;
% c*t*(O2Conc(4)-O2Conc(5)+O2Conc(6)-O2Conc(5));
% c*t*(O2Conc(5)-O2Conc(6)+O2Conc(7)-O2Conc(6));
% c*t*(O2Conc(6)-O2Conc(7)+O2Conc(8)-O2Conc(7))+O2Leak;
% c*t*(O2Conc(7)-O2Conc(8)+O2Conc(9)-O2Conc(8))+O2Leak;
% c*t*(O2Conc(8)-O2Conc(9)+O2Conc(10)-O2Conc(9))+O2Leak;
% c*t*(O2Conc(9)-O2Conc(10)+O2Conc(11)-O2Conc(10));
% c*t*(O2Conc(10)-O2Conc(11)+O2Conc(12)-O2Conc(11));
% c*t*(O2Conc(11)-O2Conc(12)+O2Conc(13)-O2Conc(12));
% c*t*(O2Conc(12)-O2Conc(13)+O2Conc(14)-O2Conc(13))%+O2Leak;
% c*t*(O2Conc(13)-O2Conc(14)+O2Conc(15)-O2Conc(14));
% c*t*(O2Conc(14)-O2Conc(15)+O2Conc(16)-O2Conc(15))%+O2Leak;
% c*t*(O2Conc(15)-O2Conc(16)+O2Conc(17)-O2Conc(16));
% c*t*(O2Conc(16)-O2Conc(17)+O2Conc(18)-O2Conc(17));
% c*t*(O2Conc(17)-O2Conc(18)+O2Conc(19)-O2Conc(18))%+O2Leak;
% c*t*(O2Conc(18)-O2Conc(19)+O2Conc(20)-O2Conc(19));
% 0];
terminate= nodes_num;
DeltaO2Concentration= zeros(1,terminate);
cnt= 1;
for i= 3:length(DeltaO2Concentration)
if i==3 && ismember(i,slt_nodes2)
DeltaO2Concentration(cnt) = c*t*(O2Conc(i-2)-O2Conc(i-1))+O2Leak_term; %first node, leakage
elseif i==3
DeltaO2Concentration(cnt) = c*t*(O2Conc(i-2)-O2Conc(i-1)); %first node, NO leakage
elseif i==last_node && ismember(i,slt_nodes2)
DeltaO2Concentration(cnt) = c*t*(O2Conc(i)-O2Conc(i-1))+O2Leak_term; %last node, leakage
elseif i==last_node
DeltaO2Concentration(cnt) = c*t*(O2Conc(i)-O2Conc(i-1)); %last node, NO leakage
elseif ismember(i,slt_nodes2)
DeltaO2Concentration(cnt) = c*t*(O2Conc(i-2)-O2Conc(i-1)+O2Conc(i)-O2Conc(i-1))+O2Leak_term; %other nodes, leakage
DeltaO2Concentration(cnt) = c*t*(O2Conc(i-2)-O2Conc(i-1)+O2Conc(i)-O2Conc(i-1)); %other nodes, NO leakage
cnt= cnt+1;
DeltaO2Concentration= DeltaO2Concentration.'; %column vector for ODE45
nodes_num: number of nodes user inputs, which translates to # of ODE equations.
slt_nodes2: user input selection of specific nodes that will include the 'O2Leak_term' in equation.
The commented out stuff in the beginning is just a general template that I use to create the loop.
If I run this as it is, the 'DeltaO2Concentration' vector is the correct length, but I feel like Matlab just puts in zero vectors or something at the end because I think it should return a vector two less than the desired, but I'm not sure how to interpret it or fix it to where I get the correct output. Any help in appreciated.
Areeb Hussain
Areeb Hussain on 28 Jun 2017
And Adam, yeah I knew what you meant. I tried that, but that gave me another issue, because when I use 'ode45' in the main file, I input an initial condition vector y0 the same size as the ODE vector, but the truncation somehow messes up this up when running 'ode45', saying the dimensions of DeltaO2Concentration and y0 need to be the same. I'm trying to fix that right now too.
Guillaume on 28 Jun 2017
Coming rather late in the conversation and not having much to say to answer the actual problem, I'll just comment on this:
terminate= nodes_num;
DeltaO2Concentration= zeros(1,terminate);
for i= 3:length(DeltaO2Concentration)
What's wrong with:
DeltaO2Concentration= zeros(1, nodes_num);
for i = 3:nodes_num
Why rename the variable and make the reader do extra mental work in order to understand the bounds of the loop?

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Accepted Answer

dpb on 28 Jun 2017
Edited: dpb on 29 Jun 2017
OK, from that definition, a looping solution.
function dO2Conc = O2Solver(t,O2Conc,c,O2Leak,nodes,slt_nodes)
dO2Conc= zeros(nodes,1);
dO2Conc(1) = O2Conc(1)-O2Conc(2); % first node
for i= 2:nodes-1
dO2Conc(i) = O2Conc(i-1)-2*O2Conc(i)+O2Conc(i+1);
dO2Conc(nodes) = O2Conc(nodes)-O2Conc(nodes-1);
It looks like the last node breaks the pattern, though??? Is that really right?
The above will, however, provide you with the required length of the RHS vector based on requested node number with no artificial zero entries as had before. The last two lines add the normalization and then apply the constant leakage term on the selected nodes via vector addressing. That avoids the special-casing in the main build.
I see where Steven's headed with the spdiag route but will have to scratch my head a little more over the linear algebra to directly apply it -- the middle terms are easy, incorporating the boundary conditions means modifying the example some and I don't have time to mess with it just now, sorry.
However, to leave some bread crumbs, write out and study the pattern of the subscripts versus row index for each of the terms and then compare to the indices returned in the example Steven pointed you at. Note the middle elements are all [1 -2 1] for three columns. See any parallel to your expansion above?
Oh, wait a minute--
>> n=5;
>> A = spdiags([e [-1; -2*e(2:end-1);-1] e], -1:1, n, n);
>> spdiags(A)
ans =
1 -1 0
1 -2 1
1 -2 1
1 -2 1
0 -1 1
Hmmm...almost, last row should be [-1 1 0] it the form as written above is correct. Which isn't symmetric with first node that made me ask if that is correct.
Gotta' run, though, leave as "exercise for the student". :)
Areeb Hussain
Areeb Hussain on 29 Jun 2017
Thanks dpb, this solution is definitely better and simpler. It outputs what I wanted and works with the 'ode45' function. Thank you. Also, I now see where you were going with the 'spdiags' function, Steven. For some reason I didn't put two and two together. Thanks for the help guys. I might need some more in the future haha.
dpb on 29 Jun 2017
You're welcome; just needed to know the form precisely.
I see there's an error above in the application of the leak term, however; in copying the previous line I forgot to remove the c*t* scaling factor so it'll be applied twice for those nodes; remove the multiplier there; it's already been applied universally--I did edit the Answer to correct.

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