Question matlab code

1 view (last 30 days)
Will on 6 Jan 2012
I am a new user to matlab coding. I have written code to solve a simple FEA problem. The results depend on a number of variables defined initially. Currently these are defined manually but I would like to set it up so that a question can be asked, a value inputted and this value used for subsequent calculations. The code is working with some simple yes/no questions but it is when the answer is an integer that I am stuck. For example:
Question - What is the temperature on the left face? Answer - 60 (for example)
The answer 60 I want to use in code later on, how ca I do this?
Sorry if it's basic.

Accepted Answer

C.J. Harris
C.J. Harris on 6 Jan 2012
Try this:
faceTemp = input('What is the temperature on the left face?');
The variable 'faceTemp' will now hold the numeric value entered by the user.
C.J. Harris
C.J. Harris on 6 Jan 2012
Adding the 's' causes matlab to interpret the input as a string. This would therefore cause an error if you tried to perform any mathematical manipulation on the value.
Will on 6 Jan 2012
Thanks very much!

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