Timeout error running s32k3xx_simple_s32ct PIL example on S32K358

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I'm trying to hand on with the "PIL simple example" proposed by the MBDT. I have a S32K3X8EVB-289 with the S32K358 processor, so I already modified the entire configuration by selecting the S32K358-172 processor and assigning the mex configuration of the S32K388-289 already modified with the S32K358-289 configuration inside the configuration tool (this was a trick done by myself in orther to configure the S32K358 starting from the s32k388 which was really similar as per the pinout configuration, this trick has been already successfully tested with ADC/demo/DIO examples). I'm able to successfully download the application as per the PIL part (target model) but then I receive this error:
I've searched a lot for this issue, I found among the possible solutions a suggestion to modify the toolbox path because of the space in the path, however I already fixed this issue without success. I still did not modify the MATLAB main path (I found this other suggestion, but still not gave a try because I need to uninstall the entire MATLAB package). Is there something wrong with the project configuration? I'm attaching here the zip file related to the PIL project, can you double check it to understand whether there are issues or not? Thank you in advance.
NB: I already tried to connect to the target both with OPENSDA and Serial Communication, by selecting respectively Channel0 (LPUART6) and Channel1(LPUART13) and changing the COM ports according to the device manager without success.

Accepted Answer

Supraja on 14 Nov 2024
Hello all,
To change MATLAB's path see the following documentation:
Also consider increasing the timeout value for the rtiostream interface. You can use the 'setTimeoutRecvSecs' method to extend the timeout period, allowing more time for data transfer.
I hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Alessandro on 18 Nov 2024
Edited: Alessandro on 19 Nov 2024
In the end I managed to solve the problem, but it was not related to an incorrect path in Matlab nor to the increase in the timeout of the rtiostream interface. It was actually a different configuration of the clock frequency of the UART peripheral detected between the "Clock" tab and the MCU component (AutoSAR) within the Configuration Tool. A similar problem that helped me in the troubleshooting is at this link:
In any case, thanks for your reply.

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