How can I install Image Acquisition Toolbox support packages on an offline system?

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I want to install Image Acquisition Toolbox support packages on a computer that does not have internet access, but the offline installer fails to download the needed files. How can I install the needed support packages?

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 4 Dec 2024
You can download the needed vendor drivers for each of the following support packages at the mentioned link.
To install your required support package:
  1. Download the required vendor driver setup program from a computer with internet connection
  2. Copy the vendor driver setup program to the offline computer, for example using a USB drive or another suitable method.
  3. Install the vendor driver on the offline computer
  4. Install the support package normally in MATLAB
With the drivers manually installed on your offline computer, you can install the support packages which will automatically detect the installed third-party drivers and complete the installation as expected.
Support Package
R2020b and above:
Download the offline version of DCAM from:
R2020b and above:
Download the FlyCapture SDK from FLIR at:
R2020b and above:
Download the Kinect Runtime from:
Kinect for Windows Runtime v1.6:
Kinect for Windows Runtime 2.0:

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