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Problem in solving an optimization problem

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Hi, guys. This is my code for my optimization problem:
p0 =[1,1,1,1,1];
A = [];
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
%options = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','interior-point','OptimalityTolerance',1e-20,'FunctionTolerance',1e-20,'StepTolerance',1e-20);
C = fmincon(Objective, p0, A, b, Aeq, beq, lb, ub,nonlc);
function E=Case(p)
moleWt=[28;56;84;112;140;168;156]; % mole weight C2,C4,...,C12,C11 [g/mol]
Woo_Datas_g = {[0.377984 0.696286 2.9244 4.43634 4.63528 4.83422 4.47613],[0.656499 1.69098 5.5504 11.1605 10.882 9.33024 10.6034],[0.69628 1.53183 4.43634 5.74934 6.78382 4.66446 6.98276],[0.497347 1.17374 2.68568 3.6008 2.9244 3.95889 4.07825],[0.497347 1.01459 1.57162 2.2878 2.88462 2.96419 2.48674]}; %Woo's data set for C2,C4,..,C12
F_G_out_mmol = [0.354 0.207 0.169 0.0724 0.0179 0.278 0.291]; %Gas outlet for each case[mmol/s]
t_max = 18000; %Reaction duration[s]
F_G_out_mol = zeros(1,7); %Gas outlet for each case at the end of the reaction[mol]
for j=1:7
F_G_out_mol(j) = F_G_out_mmol(j)*t_max*1e-3;
C4_mol = zeros(1,7); %C4H8 product(mol)
C6_mol = zeros(1,7); %C6H12 product(mol)
C8_mol = zeros(1,7); %C8H16 product(mol)
C10_mol = zeros(1,7); %C10H24 product(mol)
C12_mol = zeros(1,7); %C12H224 product(mol)
C4_g = cell2mat(Woo_Datas_g(1)); %C4H8 product(mol)
C6_g = cell2mat(Woo_Datas_g(2)); %C6H12 product(mol)
C8_g = cell2mat(Woo_Datas_g(3)); %C8H16 product(mol)
C10_g = cell2mat(Woo_Datas_g(4)); %C10H20 product(mol)
C12_g = cell2mat(Woo_Datas_g(5)); %C12H24 product(mol)
for j=1:7
C4_mol(j) = C4_g(j)./moleWt(2);
C6_mol(j) = C6_g(j)./moleWt(3);
C8_mol(j) = C8_g(j)./moleWt(4);
C10_mol(j) = C10_g(j)./moleWt(5);
C12_mol(j) = C12_g(j)./moleWt(6);
a = p(1);
b = p(2);
c = p(3);
d = p(4);
e = p(5);
E = (F_G_out_mol(1)-(C4_mol(round(a))+C6_mol(round(b))+C8_mol(round(c))+C10_mol(round(d))+C12_mol(round(e))))^2;
As you can see I want E as my objective function. The problem is my parameters for this problem. a,b,c,d,e should be positive integers and they can't be something like 3.5, 0.5 etc. They can only be 1,2,3,..,7. The problem is I can't figure out how define this in fmincon(). Any suggestions for solving this issue?? I have tried to use floor() and run before the parameters but fmincon() gave me a weird answer (1.99 for all the parameters). I also want E to be as minimum as possible. How can I adjust the error in fmincon()??
Torsten on 30 Apr 2024
I don't understand the sense of your code.
naiva saeedia
naiva saeedia on 30 Apr 2024
I completely understand your reason. Sum of the max(Ci_moles) is so small and there is no way it's going to be equal to F_G_out_mol so what's I'm doing is just useless since F_G_out_mol is just greater but again running this code helped me to understand this.

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Accepted Answer

Manikanta Aditya
Manikanta Aditya on 30 Apr 2024
The fmincon function in MATLAB is designed for continuous optimization problems, and it doesn’t directly support integer constraints. However, you can use the ga function from the Global Optimization Toolbox, which supports integer constraints.
Here’s how you can modify your code:
p0 =[1,1,1,1,1,1,1];
A = [];
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
IntCon = 1:5; % Define the indices of the variables to be integer
options = optimoptions('ga','Display','iter'); % Display iteration information
C = ga(Objective,7,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,[],IntCon,options);
function E=Case(p)
% ... rest of your code ...
In this code, IntCon is a vector that specifies which variables are integer variables, and options is used to set the options for the ga function. The ga function then solves the problem with the integer constraints.
Hope this helps.
Torsten on 1 May 2024
Edited: Torsten on 1 May 2024
p(1) can have values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
p(2) can have values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
p(5) can have values 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
[p(1),p(2),..,p(5)] can be 7*7*7*7*7 = 7^5 different vectors.
At least this is what your code suggests.
naiva saeedia
naiva saeedia on 2 May 2024
Sorry for late reply. Yes you are correct. Thanks for explanation about 7^5 vectors.

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