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how can I read and draw a plot and histogram from txt file on Matlab.

10 views (last 30 days)
Hallo, I have a problem with reading txt data is in notepad it is a table basicly which seperate the data with ; sign. I want to read and draw a histogram with this data but there is an error by read or scan commands. My question is how can I read and draw a plot and histogram from this file on Matlab.
the table looks;
11;202307260800; 3; -999;-999;eor
11;202307260810; 3; -999;-999;eor
11;202307260820; 3; -999;-999;eor
11;202307260830; 3; -999;-999;eor
11;202307260840; 3; 2.1; 200;eor
11;202307260850; 3; 2.5; 200;eor
11;202307260900; 3; 2.8; 250;eor
11;202307260910; 3; 3.8; 260;eor
11;202307260920; 3; 4.5; 280;eor
11;202307260930; 3; 5.5; 240;eor
  1 Comment
Aquatris on 21 Feb 2024
Would be benefical to add a sample txt file so someone can provide you the exact code. What kind of error are you getting? Did you try the built in 'import data' option which can also generate a script for you?
Example script generated by matlab for your example:
%% Setup the Import Options and import the data
opts = delimitedTextImportOptions("NumVariables", 6);
% Specify range and delimiter
opts.DataLines = [2, Inf]; % 1 is the name of the column, VariableNames
opts.Delimiter = ";";
% Specify column names and types
opts.VariableNames = ["STATIONS_ID", "MESS_DATUM", "QN", "FF_10", "DD_10", "eor"];
opts.VariableTypes = ["double", "double", "double", "double", "double", "categorical"];
% Specify file level properties
opts.ExtraColumnsRule = "ignore";
opts.EmptyLineRule = "read";
% Specify variable properties
opts = setvaropts(opts, "eor", "EmptyFieldRule", "auto");
% Import the data
tbl = readtable("C:\New Text Document.txt", opts);
%% Convert to output type
QN = tbl.QN;
FF_10 = tbl.FF_10;
DD_10 = tbl.DD_10;
eor = tbl.eor;

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Answers (2)

Chunru on 21 Feb 2024
a = readtable("testdata.txt");
a = 10x6 table
STATIONS_ID MESS_DATUM QN FF_10 DD_10 eor ___________ ______________ __ _____ _____ _______ 11 "202307260800" 3 -999 -999 {'eor'} 11 "202307260810" 3 -999 -999 {'eor'} 11 "202307260820" 3 -999 -999 {'eor'} 11 "202307260830" 3 -999 -999 {'eor'} 11 "202307260840" 3 2.1 200 {'eor'} 11 "202307260850" 3 2.5 200 {'eor'} 11 "202307260900" 3 2.8 250 {'eor'} 11 "202307260910" 3 3.8 260 {'eor'} 11 "202307260920" 3 4.5 280 {'eor'} 11 "202307260930" 3 5.5 240 {'eor'}
histogram(a.DD_10, 5) % 5bins

Hassaan on 21 Feb 2024
Edited: Hassaan on 21 Feb 2024
@Yaren Duygu Atalay An intial attempt to the problem:
% Define the path to your data file
filePath = 'Test.txt'; % Ensure this path is correctly set
% Import the data
opts = delimitedTextImportOptions('Delimiter',';', ...
'VariableNamesLine', 1, ...
'DataLines', 2);
data = readtable(filePath, opts);
% Convert FF_10 to numeric if it's not already, handling possible conversion issues
if iscell(data.FF_10)
data.FF_10 = str2double(data.FF_10);
elseif ischar(data.FF_10)
data.FF_10 = str2double(cellstr(data.FF_10));
% Filter out rows with -999 in FF_10
data = data(data.FF_10 ~= -999, :);
% Plot histogram
title('Histogram of FF_10 Values');
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