Interpolation using for loop
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Sanley Guerrier
on 18 Nov 2023
Commented: Sanley Guerrier
on 18 Nov 2023
Hi all;
I have a table temperature (35040 X 6),
Space mesh (1 X 104),
And Z_sensor (1 X 6)
I want to interpolate them to find the initial temperature using a for loop. Can someone help me with that?
Thank you!
for i =1: length(z_mesh)
T(i,1) = interp1( z_mesh, temp(i,:), z_sensor,'linear');
on 18 Nov 2023
Edited: Torsten
on 18 Nov 2023
Is it correct then that you are given a single value for time (tq) and a single value for z_mesh (xq) and you want to interpolate Tq from a given time vector t, a sensor vector x (z_sensor) and a temperature matrix T ?
Then study how to use "interp2" instead of "interp1".
tstart = 0;
tend = 10;
dt = 0.1;
zstart = 0;
zend = 1;
dz = 0.1;
z = zstart:dz:zend;
t = (tstart:dt:tend)';
T = z.^2+t.^2;
tq = 9.25;
zq = 0.135;
Tq = interp2(z,t,T,zq,tq)
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