how to code equation
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Cesar Cardenas
on 28 Oct 2023
Commented: Walter Roberson
on 4 Nov 2023
Hello, I'm trying to code this equation but I think it is not right. Not sure how to adjust the LHS to avoid errors. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
psi - log(psi) = -3 * -4 * log(l/2) + 4 * log(E) + 2 * l/E
1 Comment
Walter Roberson
on 30 Oct 2023
See by the way in which I talk about how different computer languages represent natural logarithm in practice.
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 28 Oct 2023
Using the Symbolic MAth Toolbox —
syms xi lambda psi
Eqn = psi - log(psi) == -3 * -4 * log(lambda/2) + 4 * log(xi) + 2 * lambda/xi
You can then manipulate it symbolically and calculate with it symbolically.
Walter Roberson
on 4 Nov 2023
Q = @(v) sym(v);
k = Q(physconst('Boltzmann'));
T = Q(1.2)*(1e6);
mH = Q(1.66)*(1e-27);
G = Q(6.67)*(1e-11);
Ms = Q(1.99)*(1e30);
uc = sqrt(2 * k * T/mH);
rc = G * Ms * mH/4 * k * T;
syms u r real
Eqn = (u/uc)^2 - 2 * log(u/uc) == 4 * log(r/rc) + 4 * log(rc/r) - 3
sol = simplify(solve(Eqn, u))
sol1 = sol(1);
sol1r = real(sol1);
sol1i = imag(sol1);
nexttile(); fplot(sol1r, [0.01 1]); title('real component')
nexttile(); fplot(sol1i, [0.01 1]); title('imaginary component')
Look at the right hand side of your Eqn. You have
4 * log(r/rc) + 4 * log(rc/r) - 3
When r and rc are positive and non-zero then log(r/rc) = -log(rc/r) and the log terms on the right hand side cancel.
Eqn1 = (u/uc)^2 - 2 * log(u/uc) == - 3
solve(Eqn1, u)
syms x
solve( x^2 - 2*log(x) == -3 )
so u/uc would have to be complex-valued for there to be a solution.
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