Cannot use solver function with poisscdf function

1 view (last 30 days)
syms xu
eqn = 0.05 == 1 - poisscdf(35,xu);
S = solve(eqn,xu)
I want to get the mean of the poisson distribution
However, when I run the matlab code above I get the below error
% Error using symengine
% Unable to prove 'xu < 0' literally. Use 'isAlways' to test the statement mathematically.
% Error in sym>logicalNaNIsFalse (line 1965)
% X = mupadmex('symobj::logicalNaNIsFalse',A.s,9);
% Error in sym/any (line 603)
% X = any(logicalNaNIsFalse(A));
% Error in poisscdf (line 45)
% if any(t(:))

Answers (1)

Torsten on 28 Mar 2023
syms lambda n
eqn = exp(-lambda)*symsum(lambda^n/factorial(n),n,0,35) == 0.95;
Warning: Unable to solve symbolically. Returning a numeric solution using vpasolve.
ans = 


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